Except 2 from "The Light of Our Beingness" Paperback

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Poem: Existential Questions
Written and recited by Anca Mihaela Bruma
Soundtrack by Johnny Alici - "What Is Life?"
Directed and edited by Anca Mihaela Bruma

Existential Questions

What is left
of a soul that slowly
is flickering on the remnants
of its mind and heart?!?

How do I restore
my own fire
when everything is falling...
...yet growing?

How would I change
the rhythm of my Life
pressed against my own ear?

How can I be held responsible
for the consequences
when everything
is out of sequence?...

How would I freeze
that moment
which is irreplaceable
and insatiable?...

How would I remove
the sleepless nights
and unspent memories
from the edges of my Being?

How can I cure someone
who falls under the weight of My Heart
so myself... I will not remain unsung?

How many testaments of regrets
shall I write
to someone who has fallen
from the grace of my eyes?

How would I
not let the cadence of my heart
to be taken for granted?...

Each bite and sniff of my Life
reminds me of this fragmented World
and its hypnotic deception!...

(Anca Mihaela - 25th March 2015)

Copyright (c) 2015 by Anca Mihaela, All Rights Reserved  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2016 ⏰

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