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(A/N: This may be the darkest thing I've ever written. I hope you enjoy!)

I looked out of the only window in my room. Another recruiting spree. We had been hiding so we wouldn't have to join. I was an amazing fighter, but physically, I was only fourteen. As I gazed out the window, I saw a small boy. A boy I recognized. Filled with rage, I marched downstairs and out the door. "Lutz! Get inside right now!" The twelve year old blonde hurried inside. I grabbed my little brother by the shoulders and smacked him across the face. "You gottverdamnte dummkopf! Do you want to be taken away from me?!" I struck him again before continuing. "ANSWER ME!" Lutz was fighting back tears as he looked at me. "No, I don't." His voice broke. I should have felt pity for my baby brother, but instead he just made me more angry.

"Get in your room right now!" I screamed. Didn't he understand how dangerous it was to go outside these days? Recruiters were everywhere and we would most definitely be punished for not joining. I knew we would be separated and I was not about to let them have my brother. There was a knock at the door. Two men stood there in full uniform. "Guten Tag, we're here to..." I cut them off. "Our parents aren't home right now. You need to leave." I attempted to shut the door, but one held it open. He gave me a smile. "You misunderstand, junges madchen. We are here about you and your brother." So, they had found us.

The men entered my home and sat down. I was ordered to join them at the table. "What's your name?How old are you?" I met his gaze with a cold glare. "Nikola Kaiser. Fourteen." The other gave me a knowing look. "Your brother, Lutz Kaiser, is twelve and is not enrolled in Hitler Youth. You are fourteen and are not enrolled in The League of German Girls. It's the Fuhrer's orders." I sneered at the older men. What were they thinking, telling me of orders? "Give the Fuhrer my sincere apologizes, I'm not leaving!" The first man sighed. "We had hoped you would see reason, now we have no choice but to use force."   

Nikola KaiserWhere stories live. Discover now