Chapter one

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Let me tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Elizabeth Rose I am 12 years old have three sisters and live in a dead end town. But let's start from the beginning when I was born my mother was caring and supportive but my father on the other hand was a dead beat who only got visitation every other weekend this worked for about six or seven years. But then he disappeared from my life. This of course hurt little seven year old me but eventually I learned the truth about him and it stopped hurting so much. Trust me it still hurts just not as much as it used to. When I was eight years old the two of my sisters that lived with me my mom, stepdad,nana, and I got evicted from the only house I had ever known. That was really hard because I had to go from living in a three story house to living in a one story trailer with my stepdads sister. I still went to my old school for about one month. But sense I got sick on the bus every morning my mother decided it was time to change schools. I begged and pleaded for her to change her mind but she said it wasn't healthy for me to get sick every day. So I had to leave all my friends and go to a new school. This would be the third time I would change schools in two years first I went to a small catholic school and then I changed to a small public school and now a giant public school. This school was horrible everyone hated me and thought I was weird. But the teachers liked me I was a good student. But just when I was starting to fit in my stepdads sister kicked us out of her house. So I had to move... again. We moved into my stepdads grandmas house until our trailer was ready for us to move into. After about one month the trailer was ready for us to move into. I got their and claimed the top bunk and my youngest sister Sayje got the bottom bunk. After a few days my first day of school at another small little public school started. I got tour of the school and meet one of my favorite teachers Mrs.North. She was so nice and so were the students. But after a few weeks something happened...

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