23 Facts

13 1 0


Do you sleep in your bra?

Erm... Yes... Most of the time..

Are you short?

Uh... 5' 5".. Maybe?..

Do you like drama?

Only in RolePlay. *COUGH COUGH @HoudaCraze COUGH COUGH*

Have you ever been depressed?

Ever since I was seven... *Shitty memories*

Was your relationship a mistake? 

haha... Yes.

Taken or Single?

Single... But I love someone very much.. They just don't know it. You'll be reading this my the way.. Just to learn about me more. ( I love that you're so perverted.. XD )

Dream Job?


Where do you want to be right now..?

In Snowdin with Sans. Or with Flowey.

Zodiac Sign? 


Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Coke.

Vanilla or chocolate?



150... I'm not too proud..

Middle Name?

SEXINESS. ( Alexis. )

Do you want kids?

Ahh yes... I really want to adopt children. My crush once asked if I wanted to live with her when we god older and I was like, "HELL YES!!"

How many?


Do you think you're pretty? 

Sometimes I think I look amazing... Other times I'm the most disgusting thing on the planet.. 

Longest lasting relationship?

Two months.

Last book you read? 

Uhh... Does Manga count?

Favroite subject? 


Favroite Hero?


Favroite Villan?


Describe your life with one song. 

Sarcasam, Get Scared.

Favroite Color?





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