The Wedding Dress

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Lucky - Jason Mraz ft. Colbie Caillat


Beca didn't think she would ever get used to saying the word.

Or thinking it for that matter.

Every time the word came up she found herself grinning like a maniac, which is exactly what she was doing right now.

She was currently propped up on her and Chloe's shared bed, laptop carefully balanced in front of her. Her attention, however, was directed above the laptop at her aforementioned fiancee. Chloe was changing for bed and honestly, it wasn't Beca's fault if she looked right?

Her fiancee was hot.

Model hot.

So if she happened to get distracted while her model hot fiancee was practically naked in front of her then who could really blame her?

"I can feel you staring. Perv." Chloe's voice was disapproving, but the way she turned to to give Beca a full frontal view as she spoke let the DJ know she wasn't serious.

"What? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your boobs."

Chloe rolled her eyes and tugged a t-shirt over her head, effectively blocking Beca's peep show. The DJ rolled out her lower lip.

"Aww, you ruined all my fun!"

"It's freezing in here!"

"I know, I could tell!" She waggled her eyebrows a gave a pointed nod towards Chloe's chest.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I'm marrying you!"

"Me neither! I have to pinch myself everyday to make sure I'm not dreaming."

"See, I can't even be fake mad at you because you go and say romantic things like that!"

She slid into bed beside Beca and the DJ winced as cold feet came into contact with her shin.

"Jesus! You are cold!" Shutting her laptop down, she placed it on the bedside table before rolling over to face Chloe.

"C'mere." She pulled the redhead into a hug and their legs tangled together. "Better?"

"Better." the word was mumbled against her neck and she felt hands wiggling to get around her waist.

"Chlo. What are you doing? Chlo?" The hands tugged her shirt up. "No. No. Do not-" She hissed as icy fingers came in contact with her warm back.

"That is so rude!"

"That's what you get for making nipple jokes."

"I stand by it!"

"Then you suffer the consequences!"

"Contrary to my badass reputation, I am more than happy to be your personal space heater for the next 70 years."

"Aww, you think you have a badass reputation! You're so cute!"

"You're lucky I love you."

Chloe pulled back to rest her forehead against Beca's.

"I am. Very lucky."

She pecked a kiss across the freckles on Chloe's nose to return the sentiment before re-arranging their positions so that they were on their backs, Chloe's arm tucked tightly around her shoulders.

"I'm so glad tomorrow's Friday." She groaned. "This week has been exhausting!"

"It has! But the weekend is just around the corner."

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