11th May 2016

8 1 0

Today was important; I'm turning 17 and I have to make it special.

My small hands glide across my cold metal bed frame. I pulled on a pair of blue shorts under my grey loose fit shirt. Not baring to look at my awful bed head I tiptoed to my bedroom door. My hand wrapped around my silver door handle and I pulled,only to be greeted by my dog Toby. Toby was a small Jack Russell who loved attention, I giggled as he batted my foot with his paw, I gave him a little tickle on his head and carried on with my mission. I walked down the corridor to the bathroom where I turned on the shower and jumped in.

I showered quickly and got out, I pulled on some black ripped jeans and an over sized jumper which read  'normal people scare me' once I had dried my over dyed blue hair I started to walk to the bus stop making sure to lock the front door on my way out so that nothing happened to my mum while I was gone. My little legs hurried along the pavement as I wanted to catch Theo before the bus came.

Finally making it with just 7 minutes to spare I smiled as I saw him stood on the corner with a cigarette hanging from this mouth, he looked so bad ass whereas I looked like someone had stuck candy floss on my head.. I walked up to him and greeted him in the usual manor,

'Hey big head' I giggled

'Hey little legs' he grinned back.

I pulled the cigarette from his mouth and took a drag, I breathed out the grey smoke which once filled my lungs. It felt good. I hadn't had a smoke in four days because I was staying at my mums...

'Hows your Birthday going so far?' Theo asked

'Same old Same old' I didn't want to get into it with him over how today was not going to be a good day, he nodded slowly understanding why I didn't want to talk about it . It was the same every year, I sneak out of the house early and miss school and smoke at least 20 cigarettes before I have to go home again. Theo wanted to come with me this year but I brushed it off as him trying to keep me company.

We hopped onto the bus and walked to the back where we usually sit. I sat down and tucked my knees up to my face and sighed heavily. Theo followed and sat down his hand laid next to mine. He is my best friend and I will always love him but right now needed to be alone. Getting to the stop just outside of town we got up and I followed Theo off the bus. We walked for another 10 minutes in complete silence. Not the awkward silence. The type of silence that gives you comfort knowing that the person next to you is completely comfortable with you and you with them.

Maybe today wont be as bad as I thought?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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