How to Love the Unknown

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I had been just laying on the ground, I watched the four visible moons travel across the sky and awaited the appearance of the fifth. At fifth moon, my family would eat all together. I knew about things other people didn't. That had prevented me from having a lot of friends. My father worked for the government. He had told me and my mother things that almost no one else knew about. On another planet, in another galaxy, there were aliens.

I know, "yeah, right!" But it's true. My father showed us pictures, he taught us to speak their language and then he told us the most important thing I've ever known; they are coming here. The strangest part is that they don't know we're here. They had a computer program that found a planet the most inhabitable and were sent here to see if it was. For my world, it was. For humans? We had no idea.

"Hytrach, where is Rewan?" my father asked, I could hear him clearly. I was outside the hole that led to our home, having lost track of time. We lived underground. All my people did.

"Here, Triant," I said. I kneeled at the table, across from him. My mother brought out two plates. One was piled high with a throbbing purpleish mass and the other was a sort of soup-like dish. Our hands formed scoops and we dug in.

That night, I snuck out of our burrow. I often did, watching for the humans. It was not dark. We had two seasons, Bright and Night. During Bright, it was bright all day and all night. During Night it was dark. There was no one in the sky, and I believed everyone in the sea was as well asleep. When I saw a dark spec, I ran towards where it landed. My arms and legs blurred and I arrived only moments after they did. I hid in the cover of some shrubbery and watched.

++++++CHANGE POV++++++ Finn +++++++++++++++

We landed and our door opened after both Trent and I had secured our helmets. Rianna would stay on the ship. There were only three of us on this misson. To travel this far, any person takes up extreme amounts of space with their food, oxygen, even their waste. We stepped down. The gravity on this planet was very similiar to our own; slightly less, if anything. The ground was covered in something more like moss than grass. The plants were all short, maybe waist high. They were wide and looked rubbery. In the sky I could see two moons. We knew there were more from our study of the planet. I heard something. Trent and I both looked around. Then we saw it; an alien. It's skin was more like a gentle yellow. It was built fairly similiar to humans, but longer limbs, larger eyes and no lips, just a slit where a mouth would open. Its hands were strange, if the fingers were held together it looked more like a spoon. It wore no clothes and had a body almost identical to a woman's, minus a belly button I could hear Trent breathing fast. I felt nervous as well. Was this thing gentle or violent?

"Don't be fear," it said in English. English.

"What... the... fuck," Trent whispered.

"You speak English?" was all I could manage.

"What is that?" Rianna's voice sounded higher than normal.

"Yes. Father works at the government. He know. He show me." It made calming motions with its hands. Trent and I just both stared. I could hear the clicking of Rianna snapping photos. It spoke again, "My name is Rewan. I know not if others will talk with you. If they do, maybe they listen not. You come as strangers into our world. You ask not. We give permission not. I am not hostile. They may be."

"How were we s'pose to ask permission? We didn't know they were here!" Rianna voice crackled through my ear peice. I knew Trent could hear her too, because he winced.

"Rewan? I am Finn. This is Trent," I said and extended my hand. Rewan took a step back.

"I touch not you. Your skin poison, yes or no. Know not." Rewan's mouth seemed to pull in on its self.

"I won't hurt you, Rewan. Promise," I tried to encourage a bond with this creature. Rewan stepped closer. It sniffed, and extended one hand cautiously. After the first, barest of touchest didn't cause its arm to drop off, Rewan began to touch my whole suit. It moved around quicker than I'd ever seen.

"Your skin is not normal," it concluded.

"This isn't my skin. It's an outfit. So I can breathe," I explained. Rewan was looking closely at Trent. It breathed on his helmet and watched the fog dissappear.

"Hello," it said to Trent. He looked at me.

"You need not outfits. See? I am fine," Rewan said.

"You were born here. We come from Earth, our air might be different," Trent said.

"It's not," Rewan said.

"She's right," Rianna spoke into my ear, "The air tests are finished. You can take off your helmets."

"She?" I repeated, "How do you know?" Rewan just stared at me.

"Fine, ask her." Rianna spoke with a touch of reproach.

"Rewan, are you..." Trent trailed off.

"Yes, I am female of Pranists." Rewan's mouth slit turned up, almost like a smile.

"Pranists? Is that what your people are called?" I asked.

"Yes. I am Pranist, but there is also Pranlor and Pranyet." Rewan gestured up and behind her.

"What is the difference? Find out!" Rianna was excited. She couldn't contain herself.

"How do you know who is what?" I asked.

"Pranist live on ground, Pranlor above and Pranyet in sea," She said, making flapping gestures and waves.

"Awesome," Trent breathed.

Authors Note: I now I just started This is Easy but I felt really inspired for this story and not as much for the other one. Hopefully you like it! Any comments would be grately appreciated. Even if you just wanna say you dont like it! I would love to know. Means to WORLD to me :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2011 ⏰

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