Getting with the program

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Oh my gosh , SHUT UP!"

"Honey it's not going to listen to you. It doesn't have a brain. Maybe I need to get our hens and put em in your room for the alarm" Ariella's dad, Rodney, yelled


I get dressed as I do every morning for school and I never liked doing that but I knew I had to. I get my outfit on and I was wearing light wash skinny jeans, my sparries in the color rainforest camo, which I adored, and a grey Hollister top. My hair is straightened and my make up is just concealer, mascara, blush, foundation, and a eos lip balm.

I head down stairs to grab my backpack and my phone and I see that it is 6:50 and I might miss the bus if I don't get my tater a runnin.

Yes I said tater and a runnin in the sane sentence so if that don't tell you that I'm from tell south, I don't know what will.

"Bye! Have a nice day at school!"

"Thanks dad! Have a nice day at work!" I screamed as I ran out to the bus.

Thank heavens the bus wasn't there yet. I waited 5 minutes and the bus arrived. I was the only one outside and it felt kind of awkward just standing out their by myself. I was bombarded by the smell if tobacco but it didn't surprise me since I live in a redneck part of town and so do they.

I sat in the middle and it literally took an hour to get to school but that didn't bother me because I hated school and was nervous since it was my first day. The middle school was the last stop and when we went past the elementary school that I used to go to, a ton if memories came flooding to my mind. Like the day I had my first "kiss" on the playground with a boy and I think his name was Nail? No Neil? Niall?

"YES!" I screamed

Everyone jolted their heads forwards me and I swear it was the most embarrassing thing on earth that happened to me. I slowly and awkwardly slid down my seat. Great now everyone thinks I'm weird and a freak. I was very insecure about my body. No I am not skinny or over weight but I am thick-ish you could say.

We had got to the middle school and my hands were shaking so badley and my mind was racing. I went to the office to get my locker and combination.

"Um Hi I am Ariella and I am the new student here. I came by because I need my locker."

"Hello Ariella! I am Mr. Newman your principal here at DDMS."

He took me to locker 134 and gave me my combination.

"Now you are set for the day with lockers." Mr. Newman said

"Thank you."

He seems really nice. I head to my 1st period class, math, ugh I dread this.

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