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run bitches, let the tagging game begin

hello guys, my name's andrea. and i hate chloe for tagging me lmao. i don't even know how this goes bc i hAVE NEVER BEEN TAGGED BEFORE!!1! ok i'm sorry, here it goes.


-you have to post all the rules.

-you have to tag thirteen people.

-people who are tagged need to say thirteen facts about themselves.

-you have to answer all questions and leave another set of 13 more questions for the people you tagged.

-you cannot refuse to do the tag.

-must be done within a week or the creator gets to pick a punishment.

-create a unique title.

-please don't comment your facts on this; it has to be in one of your published books.

thirteen facts about me;;

1. i am born and raised in the philippines. i don't have any other blood, i'm pure filipino :^) btw if you're planning to go on a vacation here, and it is near manila, don't forget to bring masks bc our country is really polluted.

[ i love my country ok :-( i just don't want people to have damaged lungs lmao ]

2. my birthday is on march 25

3. my father works at singapore ?? ya sg lmao he brings me lots of 'i ♡ sg' shirts oh my god. but i'm thankful he still brings me something haha

4. i swear a lot.

5. i'm shy asf :-(
[ bUT only irl lmao here at social media, i'm thick-faced ]

6. english is my second language aaand i sUCK at it!1!! tagalog is my first hehe

7. i love to sing lmao even tho i sound like a dying whale omF.

8. my eyebrows are really thick!!1!! my classmates tease me for it lol

9. my life consists of everything korean. korean men, women, babies, clothes, food, shows, you name it. fUCK YOU EXO FOR BEING SO HOT!!!@ UGHSHDH EXO NEXT DOOR GOT ME INTO THIS I- but i regret nothing :")))

10. my eyesight is really bad omg i have to wear really thick glasses ahshxujh but i can manage to walk without it

11. i suck at math

12. i eat grapes from the supermarket secretly
[ u know the ones not paid yet mmHMmM ]

13. i'm really short


Q: where do you live?
-manila, philippines

Q: which groups do you bias in kpop?
top 3 guys and girls

-uhh, i like a lot but my top 3 girls and guys are
rv | apink | twice
bts | exo | got7

tagged.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon