Hangrid One Shot

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The beautiful blue sky radiated joy and life to the wonderful city of Paris. Hannah had invited Ingrid to a vacation trip to France to spend a whole week. They were having a walk around the Eiffel Tower in the evening. The weather was perfect, not too cold, not too hot. Simply perfect. The lights of the tower slightly illuminated the surroundings. Ingrid took Hannah's hand and they interwined their fingers together. Hannah looked at her and smiled brightly. Ingrid smiled back and looked down as her cheeks started to heat up. 

''Hey'' Hannah spoke. Ingrid looked up to Hannah's beautiful eyes.

''Yeah?'' Ingrid said as they stopped their walking.

''I love you'' Hannah's words made Ingrid's heart race. It was the first time any of them ever said those words. Ingrid felt how her stomach exploded with butterflies and her heart filled up with love. Love that Hannah felt for her. Ingrid didn't notice she was staring at her when Hannah was starting to lose her smile and looked away from Ingrid. 

That's when Ingrid cupped her face and kissed her. Pure love ran through that kiss. It was magical. They were went to be. 

Ingrid slowly pulled away and looked into Hannah's eyes. ''I love you too.'' she replied with a smile and a spark in her eyes.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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