1. Electric Shock

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  "I can't believe you did it." My best friend Lucy said through the phone. "You made it on XFACTOR... AND YOU'RE GETTING ASSIGNED TO AN ARTIST TO HELP YOU OUT WITH THE REST OF THE SHOW." Lucy screamed through the phone. I crinkled my nose at the loudness of her voice. 

"I know, but it's not that big of a deal.. I mean I have to go this morning to go see who I get.." I reasoned. Before she could answer, I wasn't really in the mood for screaming so I placed my finger on the end button.

"OKAY BUT TEXT ME AFTER BYE." She screamed before she hung up. I breathed out and sighed before collasping on my bed. 

"You excited for today?" Sarah asked me when walking over to the closet to find an outfit. Sarah was another person in the compettition. We are room mates for the show. "I wonder who I'll get, maybe it will be like One Direction or somebody." She exclaimed while searching through all the clothes in the closet. I sat up on the end of the bed and attempted braiding my curly hair. 

"More like nervous." I said. She turned around and looked at me in the eyes.

"Why?! You have an amazing voice, any celebrity will be lucky to have you." She said. She turned around and back to the closet. "Besides, you could fall in love. You never know." I threw my head back and started to laugh. "I'm serious!" She yelled still looking through clothes. 

"I don't know, I don't really care. You are aware that we have to be in the lobby of the building in 5 minutes, right?" I asked her. She nodded and I rolled my eyes. I laid back to grab my phone off the pillow and slipped on my leather boots. polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=74063213

I got up off the bed and walked over to the door. "I'll see you later." I said to Sarah before shutting the door. I turned around and there were so many camera's everywhere just following people and filming their every move. I tried to make sure that I wouldn't mess up. Knowing me, I would fall over and then slam into a wall. I started to slowly walk to the elevator where I saw a few of the other contestants. I kept quiet though, none of them really liked me. I'm not even sure if Sarah liked me, she only talked to me because we're room mates. Heart Attack by Demi Lovato was playing in the hotel as I stepped out of the elevator. A producer came up to me. 

"Hey Jessica, will you go stand over on the right next to Kevin? We'll be assigning mentors shortly." She explained to me. I nodded and walked over to Kevin. We awkwardly stood there as everybody was lining up. Suddenly, Sarah walked out of the elevator. Did I mention that Sarah was really popular? But also a fake. She was wearing the most revealing outfit. I was actually disgusted. The producer pointed over near me for Sarah to stand in line. "START FILMING." The producer shouted and began to speak to all of us. "So XFACTOR is a little different this year, you're all having your own personal mentor, a celebrity to help you out throughout the compettition. All of you have already been paired with a mentor, which you have no clue who it is." My heart started to race. What if mine was Demi Lovato, I think I would die of excitement, I love Demi, she's my inspiration. "You have been paired up with someone who resembles you, so return to your rooms and your mentor is already in there." She announced. Almost immediately everyone rushed to their rooms. I was the only one left standing. 

"Don't wait up." I called to Sarah who was already upstairs in the room. I walked over to the elevator and heard screams throughout the building. Well, looks like everyone is happy. I didn't really care who I got, I just wanted it to be someone who actually cared about music. I got off the elevator and saw Sarah all the way down the hall screaming and running around. "Are you mentally stable at the moment?" I asked her. She was basically crying. Her hair was messed up and she was just red as could be. 

"I GOT FREAKING KELLY CLARKSON. DO YOU HEAR ME! KELLY FREAKING CLARKSON." She screamed in my ear. She walked in the room while I waited outside. She grabbed Kelly's hand. "OKAY LETS GO HANG OUT." She yelled at Kelly. Well, I would hate to be in her position. I smiled at Kelly.

"Hello! I'm a big fan! Good Luck!" I laughed before they were off. I noticed that my door was still open. I breathed heavily before walking into the room to find my person. I closed the door and turned around to find a boy sitting on the bed. He looked up once he heard the door click close. 

"Are you Jessica?" He asked me. I nodded as a smile formed on his face. "Nice to meet you, I'm Justin." He said as he licked his lips and got off the end of the bed. 

"I know you're Justin." I laughed it off. Wow, Justin Bieber was my mentor. "So you're my mentor?" I asked him. He started to smile again. 

"WOW DONT GET TOO EXCITED!" He shouted. I shook my head and stared into his hazel eyes. 

"Sorry! I don't fangirl in front of people, it's not my thing." I crinkled my nose getting a laugh out of him. "So since they put us together, I guess we are similiar?" I asked him. He shoved his hands in his pockets and kept looking into my eyes. Oh my, what a god. "I mean, that's what the producers told us downstairs." I said while walking over to a black comfy chair before Justin sat back down at the end of my bed. 

"I guess we do." He smiled and nodded at me. "I've heard you sing before." He told me which caught my attention. I started playing with my hands until he said that. I looked up at him to continue. "You're amazing." He said. My eyes widened. Justin Bieber told me I'm amazing.. am I dreaming..

"So are you." I told him. I kept staring into his hazel eyes. They just popped out at you like if you didn't look into them you would die. I felt like there was no place in the world that I should be besides staring into his eyes, they way they showed so much care and were so delicate when studying the pattern of his eyes. "You have amazing eyes." I blurted out. He giggled and licked his lips. 

"Thank you. So do you." He told me. "You're actually very beautiful." I started to blush. "Aww, don't blush." He started grinning. I couldn't help but smile. 

"It's a habit I guess.." I said before turning my head and looking at the mess that Sarah had left before she went downstairs. My pink bra was laying on the floor. Justin noticed that I was staring at the floor so his eyes traveled to where mine were. I noticed this and quickly ran to grab the bra. "Uhm.." I started to say not sure of what to do. He laughed. 

"It's okay, I like pink." He smiled. My eyes widened as I turned around and threw the bra on the top shelf of the closet. "Black is nice too." He whispered.  I turned around and saw my black lace underwear on the ground. I immediately shut my eyes and brought my hands up to my head. 

"This is not happening.." I kept saying over and over again. I felt a presence come around me as I didn't remove my hands from my eyes. Justin took my hands from my head and I swore I felt an electric shock ring throughout my body when we touched. His hazel eyes looked right into my eyes. 

"Don't be embarassed." He whispered. I smelt his minty breath on my face. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be embarassed." He said one more time as butterflies beagn to flutter throughout my stomach. He backed away and released my warms hands as I stood there frozen. "Did you choose a song." He said changing the subject. I bent down and picked up the rest of the clothes while turning away and throwing them somewhere where they couldn't be seen. 

"Uhm, no." I said totally honest. I strolled back to my chair and sat in it once again, but Justin got up and stood before me. 

"Let's go find one." He held out his hand for me to take. I wasn't sure if I should take it at all, because I know that I already found him very appealing to me. I sucked it up and felt that electric shock pulse through me again as I placed my palm in his as he wrapped his fingers and thumb around my hand pulling me up off the chair. The funny thing is, he didn't let go of my hand until we were out of the room... 

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