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This is a boy. This boy likes to sing. Liked. He can't anymore. Which is a shame. He has an angelic voice.

He doesn't talk anymore. That wasn't his choice. Was it ever? Yes. Did he ruin his chances? Yes. But you aren't allowed to accuse a damaged boy. So you just let it slide. Its not your responsibility.

Unless you make it.

He was a boy. Circumstances changed that. He had to grow up quicker. He had too much load on his shoulders for it to be otherwise.

You approached him, though. You don't like damaged people. But even more than that, you loathe damaged people you can't fix. You get to work. You talk to him. You wait patiently for your reply. You never get one. And you think you know that by now. But you try anyway.

This boy doesn't understand. He doesn't understand why you are trying for him. He can't say anything against it, though. So you continue.

But one day, you're not quite sure why, but he tells you. Stop.

You say you can't.

He says why?

You leave, because it's too much to handle.

The irony.

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