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I'm brining this account back. Little by little but I'm still going to do it. Ill probably stick with this one- and maybe start a new one shot book that just for General fandoms that I'm into. But for now have some more- current art. I'll be showing some characters that I've made and given a backstory. They'll all play a part into a bigger story I'm still working out. I'll probably add in some drabbles when I think of them every now and again. But for now this is Archer. A Capicha from the Northeast of Credilla. Capicha's use the arrows planted over their body as a current to move their life force around their body- enabling them to focus it onto certain tasks like healing major wounds. Or even possibly creating an energy blast as an attack. Their 4 tails only appear in battle as a source of greater balance- they story their energy in their tails when not in use so that it doesn't over power their body's. A Capicha without a tail is unstable and dangerous, don't approach them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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