chapter one

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Why do you always promise that you'll stop.That you'll stop the drinking,drugs,and the violence.You always break your promises,but I still love you.God dammit why do I still love you? I ask myself that everyday.Do you love me? Because you sure as hell don't show it.I don't believe in promises anymore.When someone promises something It always gets broken,and when that promise breaks that person breaks a little.Every time you promise you'll stop it breaks me because I know you wont but I still love you.I break promises too.I started self harming again.I was 25 weeks clean for you.I hope you don't see them.The cuts,because you'll probably beat me and I don't want that.I'm writing these letters to you because in time I won't be here. I'll be gone and in a better place.So this is letter one of 25 letters.There's so much to say in these 25 letters.I'm going to give these letters to you on March 16th my final day here.Nothing can change my mind.I've already planned everything out.This is the end of this letter because I can hear your foot steps,it sounds like angry foot steps.So bye for now.

Your kitten,


So this is a new story guys.I hope you like it.Each chapter will be a letter then after that there's going to be a couple of chapters of what's going on After March 16th .After that there's going to be one more letter then an epilogue and possibly a sequel so bye I hope you enjoyed.


Word count:261

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⏰ Última actualización: Jan 27, 2016 ⏰

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