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Harry's pov
"HARRY HURRY UP" I hear one of the lads yell and bang on the bathroom door
"I GOTTA PEE AND WE ARE GOING ON STAGE IN 5 MINUTES " I hear another bang at the door I unlock it and let Niall in so he can pee he shuts the door behind him and looks at me while unzipping his pants and pulling out his dick he begins to whisper to me
"So....how's Louis in bed" he chuckles
"Niall I don't like Louis!"I say loudly almost yelling I zip my tight skinny jeans up and walk out I look up as I shut the door and see Liam looking at me my face is red but I brush it off
"You ready ?" I say as I walk past Liam to get the microphone
"Yep how about you?" Liam says as he smacks my ass I choke on my water and a announcement comes over the PA


Liam and I walk together down to the side stage we watch Zayne and Niall run infront of us and they laugh

"BOYS" our manager whispers loudly they stop and look at eachother we get to the side stage and the music starts I run out first then Niall then Liam then Zayne then Louis but as Louie's part comes on he doesn't come out a dreadful feeling comes over me I run out the back and run to Louis's Change room I know he has been going though a lot of stuff lately and he has been really depressed and very Suicidal I bang on his door

"LOUIE LOUIS LET ME IN OPEN THE DOOR" I yell I kick the door and it opens I run in and hear crying coming from the bathroom I put my hand on the door and slide down the door
" Louie can I come in " I whisper through the door I see the other boys standing at the door but keep ignoring them I see the door handle open and a puffy faced Louis slams his body against me in a hug I bring him to the ground and just keep him in my arms I turn to the rest of the boys and say
"Go on without us we will be out soon promise " they walk away and I can hear them singing and when my part comes on I just whisper the song in Louis's ear after 15 minutes of hugging Louis I stand up and hold my hand out so he can grab it
"Ready to rock this place " I say a smile spreads across his face
"Let's do this " he says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the stag he grabs his microphone and I grab mine we walk out on my high not in The best song ever everyone watches as I come up to the stage and I hear Screams everything seems to just go away and I feel like a Human not just a person....

For your eyes only//A Larry FanficWhere stories live. Discover now