Mr. Admirer

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My Mr. Admirer
you once told me that
you are not cute
But let me clear
yoU are cutest in the world
I usually say that
yoU have to smile
Not because
yoU are not looking great
Without smile, but
It's because
I love when you smile
I fallen in love everytime
With only for you,
Whenever you smile
I want to be a reason
Of your smile
Ya, I know you are Mr.shy
Be yourself &
One day
You will be mine.
Ya, our friendship
Take time,
But I want to be
With you forever
I know you feel that
I am so much talkative
But it's only,
When you are around
You don't know
How much I'm changed
But guess ? ?
Mr.shy never asked..
But I will give my best
Only If that someone is you
I never want to leave you
Hope you understand me
My love makes me
More stronger
And hope that
You definitely realize it
One day........☺☺😘

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