A New Life (Chap. 21) (a witch love story)

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~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

"Are you feeling well," Daren asked as Sabrina dropped me off the math building on her way to art, "You look a little pale."

"I am alright," I lied, taking his hand and walking into the room. "Um, did you date anyone here before I came here?"

"Um, no." He was confused. "A few people that didn't go to this school, but have never felt the same way I feel about you that I had with any of them if that is what you are worrying about."

"Take a deep breath, I was just wondering." I couldn't seem to stop lying to him.

'Daren is mine?' What did she mean by that? He was never hers. It makes no sense. Well it did if she was delusional or.... or... I actually couldn't think why else she would think that.

"Kates? Hello?" I blinked and saw that Daren was waving his hand in front of my face.

"Huh, what?"

"I said, are you going to stand there all day or are you going to sit down?"

"Oh, sorry, I was just...spacing." I blushed and quickly sat in my desk in the back of the class seconds before the bell rand for class to start.

I wasn't able to concentrate on Mrs. Brooks' lesson on congruent angles at all, in the back of my mind; I wondered how I was acing that class. I didn't really dwell on that because every few second, Sara, who I had never noticed shared this class with me, turned to glare at me. More than once, I thought that I had seen her eyes turn completely brown so that her whole eye, not just her iris was that ugly muddy brown color. I felt my necklace grow warn under my shirt when I saw this.

I think that I was going completely crazy. I shivered, what was up with her? What did I ever do to her?

I felt a hand on my arm and I was surprised that I didn't start screaming at the top of my lungs. "Ready for Chemistry?" Daren laughed, totally unaware of my worries, as I tried to get control of my racing heart.

"Yep, do I really want to go? The answer is nope."

"We can s-"

"No, we will not skip. We are going regardless of weather I want to or not." I took his hand and started to drag him to our science class. I saw Sara glaring at me as we passed her, she looked like she could kill me and be laughing while she did it.

Chemistry was boring, not really a surprise there. "I have to go talk to Ms. Malay, so I can't walk you to your class. Sorry, bye." Daren kissed my cheek and headed for his art class. I sighed and started to walk to my creative writing class alone.

"So we meet again," I heard a voice sneer when I way almost to the door of my class. "I told you to stay away from him. You didn't listen, now you will have to pay, witch." Witch? Did she know what I was? Was I just hearing things and she really said 'bitch'? "Oh, that's right, I forgot to tell you, I know what you are, or at least, what you pretend to be," Sara snickered pushing me into a locker as she passed.

Finally, it dawned on me, she was a warlock. The warlock. I was most likely going to be killed, great.

I was shaking as I made my way to my seat. I sat in the front of the class so every few seconds, the teacher kept glancing at me, probably to make sure I wasn't going to get sick all over her shoes or pass out in the middle of her lecture.

The bell rang and I stumbled my way to the study hall room. I was terrified. I didn't want to die, I didn't want the people I loved to get hurt because some psychotic warlock had it out from me, most of all, I didn't want Daren to get hurt trying to protect me.

My shaking stopped and I made my decision. I would be strong; I wouldn't let her scare me anymore. I planned to fight back for all I was worth. If someone had to die, it was going to be her.

I refused to live in fear anymore. I would do it for my aunt, Sabrina, and Daren. I would also do it for my parents; I knew they would want me to try my hardest to give it my all. And that's exactly what I planned on doing.

{Author's Note: I know it is short and I an sorry about that, but I felt that i needed to stop it there. Please vote and comment.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2009 ⏰

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