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Phil's POV:

I kicked a pebble down the dirt path as I shuffled along it's familiar route. Trees with barren limbs surrounded me on both sides, casting odd shadows onto the ground before me. The old oak that was larger than average, its branches twisting out in odd directions, was approaching. It usually comforted me. "Almost home, Phil! Halfway there! Keep going!" It seemed to say on any other day. But today, I couldn't help but imagine its branches as long, threatening fingers, reaching down and trying to grab me.
In front of this big tree, which I had named Benji a few years back, was a fork in the road. Down the path to the left was the cemetery. Down the path to the right was more woods. Eventually, I'd get to my house down that path.

I pulled my blue jacket closer. I don't have the energy to go to the cemetery, not today. But my house seems too far, and I know the only thing that awaits me there is yelling, and fighting, and pain.

I sigh and sit down in front of Benji, hugging my knees close to me. My eyes sting, and I reach up to touch my lip. It was a sudden sting of pain in the area that had numbed, and I flinched away from my own touch. My finger was now red. I quickly wiped it on my jeans, I knew I was going to have bruises on my face.

People are jerks.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, and jump. "Wow Phil. You sure are jumpy," I think to myself as I pull out my phone. A text from Dan.

Dan is the only person who cares about me. And don't get the wrong idea, that's not why I'm so hopelessly in love with him. I'm just grateful for that.

We've been together for over two years now, and I couldn't be luckier.

Hey Philly, where you at? I stopped by your house but your parents said you weren't there. Love ya, xoxo Bear

I smiled sadly at my phone and started to reply.

Bear, I'm so glad you texted. I am by th

A gloved hand clamped over my mouth, and I let out a muffled screech. An arm wrapped around my waist and lifted me to my feet. I saw my phone hit the dirt near me, and I struggled against the attacker. Not twice in one day, please. I tried to bite their hand, and I heard a low chuckle from behind me.

A needle went into my arm, and I could feel myself growing weaker. Fight, fight you dummy! Get away! Don't let him win! I struggled with all of my might, but the edges of my vision were fading to black, and everything else was blurring.

I felt myself go limp, and then it all went black.

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