Chapter 1: Heartbroken

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Today was odd, now why would it be like that? Here's why, Karkat Vantas was actually in a good mood today. This is when he can finally muster up the courage and tell Terezi he is flushed for her, and maybe finally be matesprits. His heart was pounding hard in his chest, he was in love before it was with Dave Strider. But, after small drama between them happened, they finally broke it off. His red feelings that he thought he lost for a certain tealblood had started up again. Karkat had been deep in thought was unconsciously smiling to himself, he couldn't wait. He didn't know how to confess, ideas from just telling to kissing ran through his mind. The doors to the mentor's man room opens up, the mutant stopped dead in his tracks. Eyes widen and pupils dilated, his heart was in pain. There laying in a horn pile together, cuddled close was none other then Dave and Terezi. The troll girl was giggling and had her head on Dave's chest guessing by the looks of him talking he was saying something to make TZ laugh. Karkat gulps hard, he didn't even notice his smile had dropped long ago and light red tears stream down his face. They didn't even notice him, turning the mutant runs out of the room in a hurry.

The room was dark, only his desk lamp was turned on. It didn't light the room very well, although it was enough for Karkat. He sat on one of those human beds that the humans themselves brought. It was soft, he liked it..until he started having old memories about him and Dave being together. They would cuddle in bed and talk about ironic shit that never really mattered, Dave was the only person to make him purr out of happiness. Once more hot tears stream down his face, he didn't want to remember him at all, but it was too hard. A knock on his door made him jump slightly from his thoughts, he gets up and heads over, clicking the button to open the door. He had to look up to look at the male that was slightly taller then him. Karkat was around 5'7, and the person in front of him. John Egbert, he was 6'0. "Hey Karkat!" He gave his normal dorky smile. "I saw you running off and got worried. Are you alright?" He says with a worried look, he reaches out and wipes his tears away, Karkat forgot he was even crying. The shorter male slaps the human's hand away from his face and backs away. "Just leave me alone." He says, his voice a little shakey, he reaches out to go and shut the door. John quickly enters the room before the door shuts, "Come on Karkat, aren't we friends? I gotta know what's going on." Now hid voice was more concerned then anything else for his troll friend. Karkat however walks away and sits on his bed in silence, he hugged his knees looking at the bedsheets. "I'LL GIVE YOU A HINT, THE TWO LOVE CHIRPBEASTS ON THE HORNPILE CUDDLING LIKE THAT WEIRD SQUISHY LUMP HUMAN WRIGGLERS PLAY WITH." He huffs and hides his face in his arms. He felt his bed move down due to the weight in front of him. "You mean Dave and Terezi?" He chuckles. "I think you mean playdoe, anyways, I thought you and Dave broke it off like months ago?" Karkat didn't do or say anything. Finally it clicked, John stares down St the depressed troll. "Wait, you liked Terezi? I had no idea you had the hots for her again." He frowns a little. "And those two are together now..Oh God Karkat, I'm sorry." Karkat glances up at him, "You didn't do anything to make them together. I just-" he sighd, "She doesn't like me anyways." Before the mutant could do anything, he felt strong tan arms go around him and pull to a hard chest. Karkat looked up in confusion, and saw John smiling down at him with that dorky smile. "Come on Kar, don't be all depressed please." He floats up and held Karkat tightly. He fixes himself on the bed and leans against the headboard and had Karkat's back to his chest. "There." He says softly and grins. "Your so warm and soft. Hehe." Karkat didn't say anything to him, he didn't know what to do. He tenses when feeling a hand in his hair, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" He says quickly. However John kept petting his hair, he gives a soft chuckle. Karkat squirms for awhile until he finally gives up and let's out a small purr, he made it to where John couldn't hear. However, John could feel the rumbling it wasn't like very noticeable, but enough to know he was purring.

It was around 10:37 p.m. and John was fast asleep arms wrapped around Kar's waist. While Karkat was still wide waken and confused, he didn't understand what was going on. Why was John being so friendly to him? Well, he's always been that way, but more then normal. Looking up the mutant took in John's features and thought he looked attractive-wait. No, he didn't think that at all. Screw anything his mind had just thought in that moment and time. "I DON'T LIKE HIM. I KNOW BETTER." He whispers, and had a light red blush across his face. He thinks and settles it on pale feelings, since for once he wasn't feeling any hate towards the human. Red seemed a bit much for him or it seemed that way at least, he purrs a little louder when John pulls him closer and rest his chin on top of Karkat's head. Karkat then heard a knock at his door, he stayed quite. The voice that spoke wanted to make him cry. "K4RK4T? YOU 1N TH3R3 OR 3V3N 4W4K3? JOHN SA1D YOU R4N OFF CRY1NG OR SOM3TH1NG." Karkat once more stayed silent not wanting anything to do with her or Dave. Terezi gave an irrated sigh, "F1N3 Y34H M3 AND D4V3 4R3 TOG3TH3R, 1 KNOW YOU L1K3 ME TOO. 1T W4S K1ND4 OBV1OUS, 4ND Y34H M4YB3 1T W4SN'T RIGHT TO ST4RT D4T1NG D4V3. BUT, W3'R3 TOG3TH3R NOW SO STOP B31NG 4 BR4T 4ND G3T OV3R YOURS3LF?" Footsteps then start up again and fade, Karkat bites his bottom lip trying to stop the pain going through him now. Then he shakes with anger and sadness, all he wanted was to be with Terezi, was that hard to ask for? Apparently so.

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