chapter 1

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"Keep your fucking head down",said Gage. Shit why are they firing at us when we aren't even infected in the first place. I don't know why. Dammit put the wight flag up so they will stop shooting at us. Then I ran to the flag and grabbed it. Then I was about to put it up when I heard a high piercing screech. Then a soldier said, "hold your fire, they are civilians just trying to survive the dam apocalypses".  Then we stood up and walked over to the armored car that they were in. "state you name",said one soldier. Another said "calm the fuck down they are just kids asswipe"Sir who are you?? "Um we are the military". "Julies calm down"said Paul. then out of thin air we were knocked out. Where aaare we at. "your are at area 51". No fucking way said Julies and paul at the same time." Ya Ya get all your excitement out because we ran some blood test while you guys were out and they came back". The general walk's in and says" it turns out that you guys are immune to the disease so how would you guy's like to go on some missions for us??" Sure sir, when do we start?? You guy's start right now.

Tell me what you guys think plz.   comment on this book it mean's a lot to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2016 ⏰

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