
90 4 5

Bruges, 1490

~this is the first time I'm writing again since ages, don't blame me for bad writing~

My lovely aunt, Margarethe von Hohenzollern,  I am writing you this letter because of my marriage. My father, your brother, Lodeweijk van Vlaanderen wants to marry me
off to the duke of Bourbon for political reasons. He will visit me at the court in about a week and I am really anxious, what dress do I have to wear, which jewelry? You said the first impression was very important. You have to be the most delicate lady of the court, educated nor charming. You, my lovely, taught me so much and I would love it if you want to come over before the duke comes. I would love it! Dad is hunting with the other nobles so I'm stuck again in this castle, you know how he his...
Oh, and if you're coming, take
some of those beautiful German furs with you!

goodbye, dear aunt, Margarethe von Hohenzollern

the duchessWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu