Just the two of us. (I'm the co-pilot?! book 2)

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Yes! Achievements!! I, Kaya Davis, have officially accomplished life!!


Okay, if you don't understand my awesomeness, I have been in a Jaeger, saving the world and stuff, not a big deal... Wait, newsflash, IT IS!!

And, I died. Just saying.

If you want to know how I died, just read on, my friend.

Read on.

ChApTeR oNe

I feel like I just jumped off The Wall. Again. And that is not a good feeling. Everything is blurry, blood almost everywhere on your body, and then you end up in the hospital.


But this has been occurred by a Kaiju. And guess which one?

Knifehead! The same one that appeared in my dream! I got killed by Knifehead, and Raleigh killed him in return.

I'm gonna give you a little flashback into what happened. Ooooo, it's kind of like a Drift! Pow, pow pow! Choo! Bam! POW!

Oh... sorry.....


"Okay, Kaya. You ready?" asks Raleigh. I nod my head. We both face forward.

"Let's tear this son of a bitch up!" I yell. We start walking (well Gipsy starts walking), and it's kinda hard to, but I'M IN A JAEGER!! (insert freakout here)

"There he is!" says Raleigh. I turn the button that will enable me to talk to Pentecost.

"Codename?" I ask. Raleigh smiles at me. Pentecost pauses.

"Well?" I ask.

"Codename: Knifehead."

"Shit!" I say.

Raleigh chimes in. "And it's a Category Six, so, pretty much, we're screwed."

"Knifehead getting closer!" exclaims Pentecost. I smirk.

"Yeah, uh, I see that!" I yell over the noise.

"Let's go!" says Raleigh. We start making Gipsy walk through the deep Pacific Ocean.

Knifehead starts walking towards us, slowly, but deadly. Water splashes out from our feet. I look at Raleigh.

"I'm scared," I say to him. He looks at me.

"Don't be." he says. I smile. If we weren't strapped into a robot, I would totally, like, kiss him. A lot.

"I heard that," he says. He smiles, and so do I.

"I know, I'm in your head!" I say.

"Rangers!" yells Pentecost. "Focus!" I just want to jump in the screen and slap him. What?

"Here we go!" says Raleigh. "Kaya, listen to me, okay?" he says.

I nod.

"This is real. You gotta bring it, do you hear me?" he says.

I nod again. He does, too.

"Rangers, focus!!" yells Pentecost.

Knifehead comes out of no where and bites my arm.

I grab my arm and scream in pain. "Shit!"

"Kaya!" Raleigh screams.

I get back up. Okay, shit just officially got real!!

I get into position, and so does he. But my arm really hurts. I can do this.

We both raise our arms and pound him into the ocean. He stays there for a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2014 ⏰

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