finding out

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It was morning when marinette found out that she was pregnant and to make things worse it was chats. marinette was freaking out ,how would she tell him this would he be happy or maybe he doesn't want it, marinette sighed she should have known better. Chat had been visiting her at late hours and the two got really close ,first it was kissing her neck and then things just blurred together they went past the friend stage and she was nervous because she didn't know chat identity,marinette felt her eyes starting to sting "oh god what I done" she whispers tikki had flown in to the bathroom "Marinette I think it's the best to tell him" she said very gently to the pigtailed girl trying not to make her panic even more marinette started to cry she was confused and seriously vulnerable at the moment tikki landed on marinette ' s hand and let the girl cry. After what feels like an hour marinette walked out of the bathroom and went to a drawer which was full of papers she picked out one which said university of fashion new York " I think I will accept this and go to new york" tikki eyes widen "MARINETTE!" She yelled " I'm not leaving permanently just for a bit and in couple years we will come back okay?" Marinette said shakily tikki sighed "promise me when you come back you will tell him" Marinette looked at the paper then back to tikki "yes" was all she could muster at the moment.


Sorry for all the terrible Grammer and etc
I will fix it later

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