Chapter One: Dragons

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           Who is Boy Crowe? Boy Crowe is a lonely boy, though he'll never tell. Boy Crowe is a playful boy, though he may go too far. Boy Crowe is a clever boy, though he'll never brag. Boy Crowe is a boy of many things, except a friend. Because Boy Crowe has been cursed with loneliest before he could even speak. But why does no one like Boy Crowe? Because he doesn't fit in their normal dictionary of norm, he doesn't act the same as they, Boy Crowe is strange, weird, different, and their dictionary doesn't have the word strange in it. Boy Crowe is a boy who looks for a friend, hoping someone would have the word strange in their own dictionary. Be able to fit him in their own personal agenda. Something. Anything. Anyone.


           The alley was dark and frightful, scary and taunting. Boy Crowe saw this, but he also needed sleep desperately. So he turned it into a game, smiling, he thought up one like one would bend their finger, easily. Boy Crowe has to go into the dark alley to hide himself from the heartless dragon. Yes, that's it. A dragon. Boy Crowe then ran into the alley, folding himself into the corner. He'll never catch me, Boy Crowe thought, not now. He imagined the angered rawr of the scaled dragon, its retched breath swimming in a green fog around his feet, the fire breathed fire lighting the sky in an orange and red flare. Yes, that is what is happening, the looming darkness is not a foe, rather a friend. Boy Crowe smiled as he rested his head back and fell into a peaceful slumber knowing the darkness will shield him from the horrible beast.

          Light and warmth shinned on Boy Crowe's face, an annoyed groan emitting from him. Stupid sun. Stupid space. Stupid everything. This ritual is normal for Boy Crowe. Curse everything and anyone he can think of before he wakes completely up. Stupid market sales men, stupid officer. Stupid stupid. Finally, Boy Crowe arched his back and bathed in the sunlight now, wrapping it around him as one would do with a blanket. Good sun, good space. This is the second half of his daily ritual, praise everything and anything, expect those stupid market sales men and officers. Their still stupid. Boy Crowe then pushed himself off the wall and yawned a great big yawn. Now, Boy Crowe thought, I'm the dragon. He smiled to himself as he walked out of his protected castle.

           Immediately Boy Crowe knew it was a little early in the day, he could tell by the non-existent noise that hung. When people usually start coming to the market, it's very loud. Boy Crowe sometimes thinks that everyone's a loud dragon, stomping around. Hording their gold and jewels, selfishly. He had never come across a non-dragon fellow. He himself is a dragon, Boy Crowe thought to himself, a selfish, loud, mean dragon.

          Boy Crowe then ran down the walk path, knowing where he was going even if he was blind folded. Right, left, left, right. Simple. He even closed his eyes to see if he could do it. He could.

           He then felt the slight notch in the pavement, he arrived. Opening his eyes, he scanned over the sign that hung over the building. "Fresh Deli and Vegetables- 50% Off!"

            Their still over priced, Boy Crowe thought. Good thing he knew another way to get the food. He doesn't like to think of it as stealing, so Boy Crowe makes a game out of it. He has to feed hundreds of poor people, and he forgot to get one little girl's meal. He has to get her a meal, he has to. He snuck to the back of the building and slowly opened the unlocked door. He has to feed her, he has to. Boy Crowe then tiptoed into the dark deli, he has to. Searching through the food he found something he, no she, likes. A turkey sandwich. She loves those. Sneaking it into his jacket he escaped the way he had come in. And then, he sprinted.

          The sandwich was incredible, by the way. The turkey was juicy and the bread had a crunch, if you wanted to know. But it needed cheese, if you must know. The little girl told him this, of course. But you knew that, yes? Boy Crowe had saved the day, countless of poor people's hunger, fed! They praised him and thanked him, a grandma even kissed him on the cheek. Because this did happen, you know. It couldn't of not happened, he did see it. Well, in his mind, but that's the same, right? You see the world in your mind. And if you already live in the fantasy world, isn't it real anyways?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2016 ⏰

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