( idk what to call it )

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She looks through the window questioning her existence
Asking why am "I" here
Her loneliness a knife
Slicing her peace and hope
Sliding through her barriers
Piercing her scarred broken heart

Her depression an anchor
Weighing her down
Forcing her to a dark foreign place
Struggling against the force of her dark thoughts
As the anchor holds her in place
Keeping her from freedom
Begging for help
Suffering alone
Pretending shes fine
No one knows she's far from it
Losing her self slowly
Bit by bit
Somebody help her
Doesn't know when it happened
One minute she fine
The next she's lost
Throwing herself in books
To forget her pain
To pretend it's alright
And she's not losing herself.
So what do u think?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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