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In a land far far away from here, a land only read about in stories, lies a kingdom called Aries. Filled with magic and strange creatures that are seen as a tool, a mundane part of their everyday life. They surround so much of people's everyday lives that they forget the privilege they hold with being in contact with such power and mystery. Throughout the kingdom people who have these strange gifts and abilities band together to form what this world know as guilds. Humans often use these people for their own gain, as they have the power to do things they could only dream of. Although some guilds weren't happy with this arrangement, questioning why they had to follow the rules of mortals. These guilds were known as the forsaken for they had used their gifts for harm rather than to nurture. Many years ago a war erupted between the guilds and the forsaken, many lives were lost but eventually the guilds managed to come out triumphant and the forsaken were pushed into the shadows, forgotten by all including history its self, but you should know just because something been forgotten doesn't mean it's disappeared.

Fire. That was all that could be seen. Roaring flames engulfing anything that dared to come near them. Like a plague, the flames swallowed everything in its path, leaving nothing but an ashen mess in its wake. Screaming could be heard as families desperately tried to get away from the inferno. The smoke choked those who had somehow escaped the blaze, leaving them clawing at the floor as they desperately attempted to try and get air into their lungs. The ground was littered with people cooked from the inside by the ever oppressive blaze.

There was a small child, suffocating in the firestorm that surrounded him. He was wailing for his mother, frantically scratching at the throat trying to breathe. His mother lay a few feet away, already dead. The rubble of the once flourishing town surrounded him, leaving him trapped and defenceless unable to escape the ongoing fire. Tears ran down his sallow face as he realised he would receive no help. All he could do was let out piteous whimpers as he was burnt alive.

A lone figure stood, looking over the chaos she had caused and smiled, she could feel her body pulsing with adrenaline, revelling in the misery. The screams gave her an elated feeling that she was never able to compare to anything else, she felt a sick kind of joy flooding her veins, one caused by pain she inflicted. The family's she had ruined the lives she had destroyed, she never remembered the faces of those she had killed, for this was a game and she was winning. she looked over her creation and was pleased. she felt no remorse, for this is what her master wanted and he would be proud.

The master looked at his crystal ball marvelling at the destruction his minion had caused. His  face was obscured, for it was covered by a dark hood, but you could see his smile large and with a hint of madness, yellowing teeth glistening from the small shaft of light in the room. All was going to plan, soon all the realm would fall to his wrath and he would be able to kill all the foolish humans as he should've done 400 years ago.

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