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Jimin looked over the name written down on the piece of paper he had just received, 'Yoongi', who was Yoongi? He looked around the room at all the students who already had partners.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, where are you?"
Jimin mumbled under his breath before his eyes met that of a mint-green haired boy, he looked down at his paper and scoffed before laying his head down on the desk. Jimin kept staring at the boy who had his head down on the desk before realising that he was probably his project partner.

"Ok students, once you have found your partner feel free to talk about what the two of you will be cooking, remember it must be a dessert and you will have to make a video and your own recipe which you will hand in on the 26th of March."

Jimin's home economics teacher chirped handing out the task sheets then stopping near Jimin, he looked up and smiled at his favourite teacher, Mr Song.

"Yes sir?"
Jimin inquired taking the paper from his teachers hand.

"Park Jimin, I understand that you might be very confused as to why I chose Min Yoongi as your project partner?"

Jimin replied placing the paper down on his desk.

"You're one of my best students, top three at most, Mr Min however is failing this class and I thought that he could use some type of support."
Mr Song expressed crossing his arms over his chest.

"I understand sir, and I will try my best to bring Yoongi's grades up."
Jimin replied packing his things as the bell rang.

"No Jimin, you will do your best."

Jimin laughed a little before bowing and making his way out after Yoongi who had raced out of the class.

After minutes of wandering around looking for Yoongi Jimin found him standing in the middle of the hallway arguing with a girl, not wanting to seem rude Jimin stood from afar and looked through his task sheet.

'1- Recipe must be original; copying will deduct marks from your overall score.'

'2- You must make a video of you and your partner making the dessert.'

Jimin smiled, the project already seemed easy he looked up to see if the girl had stopped talking to Yoongi, she had, and Yoongi stood in the hallway looking down at his shoes, licking his lips, Jimin made his way towards the older boy, seeing him up close made Jimin realise that one half of his face had a big red mark on it, yet he was completely emotionless.

He stuttered seeing the boy's face up close for the first time, Yoongi looked up at Jimin and smirked.

"What do you want?"
He questioned.

"Umm, the project? We're partners."

"I know, idiot I'm not that stupid."

"Really now?"
Jimin chuckled.


"Nothing, we should at least figure out what we are cooking or baking."
Jimin explained taking a pen and note-pad out.

"My girlfriend just dumped me and you want to play tea party?"
Yoongi grumbled running a hand through his hair.

"Oh wow, that explains the mark on your face then."
Jimin laughed pointing at the area which had been slapped.

"What do you want?"

"A recipe."
Jimin replied writing ideas down.

"How about, I-don't-fucking-care-slice?"
Yoong retorted looking around.

"No, I was thinking of a cake."

"Did you not get my message?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have your messages."
Jimin replied smiling, causing Yoongi to roll his eyes.

"I was thinking of a green tea cake."

"I don't care."
Yoongi chimed walking away from Jimin.

"Come on, it will bring up your grades."
Jimin stated running after him, Yoongi stopped and look at his shoes.

"I don't like projects or grades, I couldn't care less about them."
He said looking at the younger boy.

"But if I join in on making your stupid green tea cake will make you shut the hell up, I'll do it."

Jimin shouted biting his lip and putting his hand out to shake Yoongi's only to have it slapped away.

"So it's definitely a green tea cake, right?"
Jimin questioned walking beside Yoongi while writing ingredients down.

"I'm not one for sweet things, so I don't know."
Yoongi replied.

"I haven't eaten a cake since my 7th birthday."

"Wow, that's a long time, guess you will be breaking that record, you will taste-test everything!"
Jimin said with excitement.

"Calm down cake boy."
Yoongi laughed causing Jimin to pout.

"So, did your ex-girlfriend like cake?"

* * *

I had an epiphany and I'm Yoonmin trash so why not?
Ha Ha.
This is probably the last book I will publish till I finish pain and this one.


𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐄𝐀Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora