Pic on side is Addie/Addison


Grace's POV
6:24 AM
"Mummy, when will we be there!" My baby girl Addison says squealing around in her seat.

"Almost there baby, just 5 more minutes" I say stopping at the red light.

I'm Grace Adams, 22 years old and a mother and high school teacher. I had Addie when I was 17, it was an accident, short story- I got drunk with my boyfriend Niall at this party and it just happend.  I woke up next to Niall in the morning and I realized we 'did it'. A couple weeks later I realized I was pregnant, and I transfers to home schooling so nobody would know. I never told my parents, I just said I was being bullied at school and I didn't feel safe. I never told my parents until I actually got big, I never even told Niall and I'm never planing too. I basically got disowned by my family even my older brother Logan. I moved out and had Addie and got a job. And that were it leaves me now.

I pulled up to the school and got out, I unbuckled Addie and put her on my hip grabbing my bag and her little backpack with the frozen characters on it. I walk up to the school, all the teachers for kindergarten were standing outside with students for this years classes. I place Addison down on the ground.  I walk up to a young lady holding up a Kindergarten sign .

"Hi, what's your name" The lady says bending down to Addie she hides behind my leg.

"This is Addison, we call her Addie" Say moving her blonde hair out of her face.

"Well hi Addie, I'm your teacher Mrs.Taylor!"She says sticking out her hand, they shake hands and she stands up checking Addie off the list.

"I'm Grace, her mum" I say sticking my hand out.

"Well hi,  I'm Mrs. Taylor" She says shaking my hand and whipping her black hair on her back. We talked for awhile until another family came over. "Well it was nice meeting you Grace" She says waving to me.
"By Addie, mummy has to go to work now" I say bending down to her
"No mummy" Addison says running up to me and grabbing my leg. After a while of courage to Addie she finally decided to let go of my leg. Addie still crying grabs her frozen bag and puts it on her back. "Mummy I don't want to goooo" She whines again, tears running down her face. I kiss her fore head.
"Well I'm going to come back in a few hours to pick you up and we can watch your favorite movie Frozen after, and get some gummy worms to eat. How about that?" I ask holding her hand.
"Okay, fine" she says stubborn while she whips her tears away. "I'll go" she says sniffing. She walks over to Mrs. Taylor, she waves to me one last and then she disappears in the small crowd of kids.
I climb into my car and checked my phone. 6:10 AM. Classes at the high school start at 7:15 so I guess I have some time. I drive to a Starbucks right across the street from the high school order a hot chocolate. I never order hot chocolates, I usually order frapachinos or tea, I just want to seem smart. Teachers usually drink coffee but, you know that stuff is wayyyyyy to bitter for me.
I drive over to the high school and park in the back. I grab my purse and my folders and walk into the school, not many students are here, just a couple reading in the court yard or talking in the halls. I go to the principles office and knock on his door.
"Come in" I hear, I open the door and close it behind me "Mrs. Adams, how nice to see you" the principle, Mr. Days says standing up. "Last week I gave you the tour so your all set knowing the halls and such?" I nod my head yes, and he hands me 9 papers. "That's is your classes with the class list, during each class you will take attendance and send me an email of who's here and not" he keeps talking and then he brings up school assembly's. "Well be having a school assembly today, a boy band called umm One Direction I think is performing, you will be missing the last hour of classes for it. I think that's all, have any questions?" He asks, I respond no and push my hair behind my ear. "Well I'm going to go let you find your room, and get to know it. Have any questions I'll be here" he says letting me leave. I thank him, smile and leave.
I walk to my class, room 241, and put all my things on the medium sized desk in the front of the class. Since it was the first day for me and this years students I decided to write my name on the board, Mrs Adams. I take a seat in the the small desk chair and check my Twitter. Mom with a Twitter right, stupid. But I'm only 22, it's not like I'm 45 or something. That would be weird.....
"So, you guys will be performing around 1:15 to 2:15, everyone's super excited. Do you want me to introduce you to some of the teachers" I hear Mr. Days say to I'm guessing the band that's playing
"I think we're fine" I hear a male with a British accent say.
"Okay well the exit is over there if you do want leave, you are welcome here, the lunch lady's have food if the cafe, or you can just explore through the building, I have to go to a meeting but swing by if you need anything" Mr Days says before I hear him walk away.
7:15 AM
*ringggg* *ringggg*
Kids storm into my room talking and laughing as they choose where they want to sit for the year, I stand up and open my book.
"Guys I'm Mrs. Adams and I have 2 rules, one don't talk when I talk and two have fun. Every time you get an answer right you get to choose a piece of candy from the bin." I tell them a little about my self, like how I have a daughter, teen pregnancy, and showed them a pic of Addie. "When I call your name tell me one thing about your self and come up and take ONE piece of candy" I say as I look at the list.
"Payton James"

1:10 PM

Everyone runs down the hall to get a good seat and the show, many girls are already crying and a few have fainted. Fangirls... I walk in the theater and take a seat in the back, it's not like I'm going to watch the show. i take a glimpse view of the area.  I stand up realizing teachers are suppose to be standing on the wall behind the students. Immediately 3 girls rush to my seat. I just leave the auditorium instead deciding that I'm going to call my friend Courtney. I walk out the door staring at my phone when next thing I know I'm on the floor. I look up and I see an all to familiar blond haired a blue eyed boy.

"Oh, sorry miss. I was just chasing my friend Louis and I slipped and I-" I cut him off


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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