Emma - A Weak Start

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Author's Note:

Hi! I'm never good at first chapters but have faith! Here is a picture of what I imagined Emma to look like. If you have any ideas for what the other characters look like, or your own interpretation of Emma, be sure to post them!




I opened my eyes to the new morning. It took me a while to remember what had happened the night before. To my left was Tony still sleeping, he looked so lovely like that. I turned my body to be facing him straight on. He was so gorgeous, but I couldn’t resist waking him up, it was probably for the better. I took the tip of my index finger and placed it between his eyebrows then slowly dragged it down until it touched the tip of his nose. His eyes opened slowly and peacefully. He blinked once, slowly, then the second time quicker, like he was double-taking. His eyes widened, and he jumped, and in his panic rolled off the bed. I couldn’t contain my laughter.

“I’m so sorry, I-I I didn’t mean to-“He spluttered in a panic, trying to explain himself.

“Don’t worry,” I said still laughing. “I moved.”


“Woah, wait. Why were you in bed with Tony? What did you do the night before? Why was he so startled?!”

“I should probably give you a bit more context.” Emma said.


“I’m sorry babe, it’s just not working out anymore. I promise, it’s not you.” He tried to explain.

“Okay.” I said silently, biting my lip, trying to keep more tears form falling.

“Okay.” He said grabbing my shoulders. “We’ll still see each other around, it’s not goodbye forever, just goodbye Emma and Andrew. Goodbye Emma.” And with those words he let me go and turned the corner, out of my life. I poked my swollen eye around the brick corner to watch him leave. About two meters down was standing a girl, when he approached her, he kissed her then put his arm around her shoulders then walked off. I managed to make my way to the girl’s toilet, without anyone seeing me blubbering my eyes out.  I locked myself in a cubicle and stayed there, for the rest of lunch. I heard footsteps coming in at the end of lunch.

“Emma?” A familiar voice called. It was Jeanette, she was one of my best friends. I opened the cubicle door, and pulled her in.

“Jeanette, Andrew broke up with me, told me it wasn’t me, and then walked off with another girl in his arms!” I burst into tears again.

“It’s ok.” She said hugging me and patting my back. “He was a douche anyway.”

“Yeah.” I sniffed rubbing the tears off my face with my sleeve.

“Come on, I have something to show you.” She said happily and took me to our home room.

“Taadaa!” She exclaimed, jumping and gesturing with her arms at a piece of paper on the carpet board.

“What is is?” I said snuffuly.

“Look silly!” She said impatiently. “Achem!” She playfully cleared her throat. “Audition! Every member of insert school between the ages of 15 and 18 must audition for the ‘Listen Project’. You are required to sing a song, to your best ability, and remember we want to hear you voice and raw as possible! Come along even if you think you can’t/can’t sing, we want to hear everyone.”

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