chapter 1

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The chirping sounds of the birds filled the air. you awoke, breathing in the fresh smell of a new morning. "Hey (y/n), we are all going hiking today" the male, dipper, said. "exciting" you mumbled. you were invited to go camping by Mabel, and since it was Mabel who asked you just couldn't say no. you got up, and asked everyone to leave as you got changed into your favourite (f/c) t-shirt and shorts. of course Mabel stayed inside, since she was also female and also your best friend.

The morning passed quickly, you all had lunch and headed off. Half way through the hike, you saw something move beyond the bushes. you rushed off path to see what it was, Dipper and Mabel following in concern. "(y/n), what's wrong?" Mabel asked, giving you a weird look. you waved them over to follow, as you guys walked through bushes trying to find the movement. While not focusing on the ground, you 3 fell. all of your screams rushing through your ears, soon plunging you into complete darkness.

quietness, darkness, it all surrounded you. you felt shaking, and it suddenly brought you back. your eyes flickered open, and you saw Mabel and Dipper looming above you. "Ok, we are all alright. well... i don't know how to get back, but there is a path" dipper muttered, he helped you up, and you dusted yourself. Dipper went ahead, following a path as you took in your surroundings. the walls glowing purple and the floor and ceiling were a piercing black.

the sudden patch of golden flowers surprised you all, as you took a step forward a flower pooped up."Howdy! I'm Flowey the Flower! you must all be new to underground, guess lil old me will have to teach you the ways of the underground" the flower said, using his leaves animatedly. clearly the fall had somehow made you delusional.. Mabel stepped forward, and gasped as she felt tugging at her own chest. a bright pink heart shaped object floated out of Mabels' chest, looming in front of her. "What is that.." Mabel slowly reached forward, her hand floating towards it. "that right there is your very soul!" Flowey smiled. "down here we collect love through 'Friendliness pellets', get as many as you can!" these pellets look more like bullets, and suddenly it crossed your mind that he was trying to trick Mabel. "MABEL. NO!" she fell to the ground, a scream escaping her lips once the 'Pellets' hit her soul. "YOU IDIOTS" Floweys' face changed,a menacing grin appeared. "In ThIs WoRlD iT's KiLlEd Or Be KiLlEd" he laughed insanely, as bullets surrounded mabels' soul. Dipper cried, and run forward, shielding her soul.



im so excited about this because i love this crossover. sorry if this seems rushed though, im kinda busy right now xD

love you all xx

flare <3 :*

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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