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so im finally going to publish my book! :) also really sorry for unpublishing i hope you can forgive me :)

Spencer's POV

Shit, I thought. I was 10 minutes later to my interview. I rushed down the station and ran to my platform where I anxiously waited. Finally, the train came. I grabbed my bag and took my phone out to make a call as I stepped off the platform.

'Hey Ryan, I need to ask a favour' I said into the speaker of my phone.

'Spencer it's 2am what do you need' he replied

'Oh sorry forgot about the time difference in Madrid,' I said 'anyway I need you to get the papers and-'

'Spencer' I heard a voice say. 'Spencer!'. I turned around to see Caleb. As in my friend's boyfriend Caleb. As in my ex-boyfriend's best friend Caleb.

'Caleb!?' I said making my way towards him. 'Ryan let me call you back'

'Omg Caleb, this is a big surprise' I say as I lean in to hug him

'Yeah, so what are you doing in Madrid?' He asked eagerly

'I'm spending my year abroad in Europe , you' I say to him still in shock that he's here

'Backpacking around Europe' he replied smiling.

'So where's Hanna?' I ask

'We um.. Broke up' Caleb says, his smile fading.

'Oh same with me and Toby' I say.  Suddenly the train comes to a halt and I find myself falling on top of Caleb.

'Well this awkward!' I say chuckling as he laughs too. He helps me up and we both take a seat on the empty train.

'How long are you in Madrid?' I ask him

'Not sure I think I'll stay around 3-4 more days' he says. I nod my head and just stare at him. I hear the man tannoy that the next stop is here and I get out of my seat.

'My stops here I have to go to my interview' I tell him

'Can't you stay' he pleads

'No sorry, I have this really big job interview' I say. The train stops and I get out. I wave to Caleb as he gets out of the train and starts walking in the opposite direction. I start walking until my phone rings. I answer the call.

'Caleb!' I shout, 'wait up.'

'I thought you had to go to an interview' he says with a confused look on his face

'yeah well, um it got cancelled' I say smiling as we walk out of the station into the bright 4pm sun. 

After we roamed the cobbled streets in Spain we stopped for lunch at 'Le Comptoir de la Crepe' (a place where they sold french food). At around 7 ish we both went back to my hotel. It was only a small little suite with a jacuzzi and a king size bed, so maybe it wasn't actually that small.

'you can have the bed I'll sleep on the sofa' I told him

'No No' he insisted 'I'm the guest so I'll sleep on the sofa, i would sleep on the bed with you, but that would be kinda, you know awkward' he finished

'ok, can I ask you something?' i asked him

'Sure, go ahead Spencer' he replied as he went through his bag to find some clothes.

'Toby, does he... does he have a girlfriend?' I asked him stuttering at the word 'girlfriend'

'yeah i think so at least, he met this girl named Yvonne' Caleb replied quickly 'he told me that he met her when he was a rosewood pd (police department) call for a burglary, he said they really connected'.  He must have seen the look on my face because of what he did next.

'you'll find someone one day Spence' he told me. He put his arm around me and hugged me. 'i wanted to ask you something, do you want to go to this event with me?' he asked

'what event' I asked him

'It's a surprise, i think you'll love it' he said

'I would but-'

'you have to, I mean you showed me nearly half of Spain today, this is my way of repaying you' he said almost begging me now

'well I, i mean, um, OK' i said 'I know its only 8:30 but I'm kinda tired so I'm gonna hit the bed, night Caleb' I said

'night Spencer' he whispered

I just smiled and walked to my room.

A/N should I start doing shoutouts to people???

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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