Chapter one

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A girl walked through the cold breeze, white wisps of snow caught in her long, brunette hair. A secret was hidden behind her luminous, brown eyes. Nobody ever thought positive about this confused teen, she was no use for anything.

Why can't you be more like your brothers? Her parents would complain, Or even your sister, they're all much more worthy than you are.

The memories and arguments that she'd had with her family had scarred her, not the type of scars that would be able to be retrieved, permanent ones. Her father used to yell and scream at her, and sometimes when she was alone with him, he would beat her.

She remembered the time when he belted her so hard across the face, she couldn't see very well, and the people at her school would trip her up, and push her into lockers down the corridor.          She was so utterly confused whether she was a human being, or an unloved creature, whatever the case, it surely didn't stop the tears from cascading out of her eyes. The feel of the ice & sand of the isolated beach mixed together comforted her, but it wasn't enough to stop her. She spotted a bright red rose in the slush of the beach, she gripped it tight.

The aroma of the rose was beautiful, it conquered her nose in a heartbeat. Then she remembered what she had come here for, to end it, to end it all. She saw the rough rocks ahead of her, I musn't turn back, I came here for a reason, I musn't give up. Her head told her to go back, but her heart told her she must go on. Come on Allison, you came here for a reason, now let's just get this over and done with.

The rocks were cold and slippery, and Allisons balance wasn't good at all. She climbed higher and higher, until she had reached the top of the huge rock. Balancing on a 60 feet cliff, Allison looked down at the bottom of the cliff, where the strong waves and the long spiky rocks that stuck up out of the water like pitchforks merged together.

To most of us, it would be like looking down onto the bottom of a 'fear fall' rollercoaster, hanging on for our lives, but as for Allison, it was just as if she was about to dive into a regular swimming pool.

She closed her eyes, and a tear managed to cascade down her left temple next to her feet.

"Goodbye" she whispered scarcely.

She let her hands fly into the air, and fell forward.

It'lI be over soon she assured herself.

She could feel the air slashing her face as she fell - deeper and deeper, she kept falling, she plummeted through the ocean, and she didn't stop.

* * * * * * *

Aimee awoke breathing heavily, her hair was tangled and her face was sweaty.

"That was the weirdest dream I have ever had." She managed to blurt out.

She checked her watch - 8.25 am.

"Shit" she sighed, "Missed the bus"

She jumped out of bed, and pulled a comb through her hair, until it was as straight and as dull as it always was, she then chucked on some jeans and a hoodie and then ran downstairs.

Her mother walked out of the kitchen and hugged her from behind, "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" she quirked, smothering Aimee in kisses, "Uh, mum please? I'm not 5 anymore."

"Awww I know! You're almost 16 now.. My little baby is growing up!"

"Yes, and your little baby has to go to school.. Now!"

"Oh, I know... I just thought maybe.. Just as a special treat, we could maybe do some mother to daughter stuff before scho-"

Aimee interrupted her, "Yeaaahhh nah.. Shopping isn't really my thing-"

Her mother did the same, "Oh well.. We don't have to go shopping! Maybe just go for a nice walk in the park.. Or even go to a cafe?"

"I'd feel honored, really honored..." Aimee sighed

"Oh great! Let's go right away!" her mother beamed.

"Yeah, another time!" Aimee exclaimed, quickly running away.

Her mother sighed, "You are Ay-mazing, Aimee!" rolling her eyes.

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