I'm Coming Home

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Maddie stared down the man in black from the contraption she was tied down on. The silence in room was stifling. She hadn't see the man in a long time. Years, to be exact. The last time she saw this man—this monster—was when he was... no, she wouldn't think of what this monster has done. "It's been a long time Madelyn." A voice she no longer recognised, commented.

"It has hasn't it, Ben Solo." She replied.

Kylo's face angered behind the mask. "My name is not Ben Solo, it's Kylo Ren." He spat, angrily.

"Well then, Kylo Ren," she hissed. "Take off your stupid mask." She wasn't really expecting him to do it, he never listened to her when they were younger.

He stood up and stared down at her for a second before his hands went to his helmet and he pulled it off of his head. His black locks fell out and Kylo sat back down. "Satisfied?"

"I will never be satisfied, not by the things you've done, I don't think I will ever." she said as hot angry tears ran down her face, making Kylo's heart hurt. "You killed my sister and brother, you made Luke disappear, and you killed your own father. Why would I ever be satisfied by you, you monster!" The straps around her wrist dug into her skin as she leaned forward towards Kylo.

Kylo's eyes grew dark with anger. "I'm following orders. Unlike you, you never listened to orders, you got yourself into this situation because you didn't listen to orders." Kylo walked up to Maddie. "And you didn't listen to me and follow me to the dark side!"

Maddie felt her breath leave her lungs and pain in her wrists as the straps tightened around them. Tears sprung to her eyes as she tried to breathe. "Kylo." She choked out, making Kylo's eyes flick up to her face. Madelyn's face was turning blue from the lack oxygen and Kylo let go.

The only sound in the room was Maddie taking deep breaths. "I tried so hard to believe that you weren't a monster," she paused. "but from what you have done to me and what I just now experienced, I know your a horrible monster."

Kylo's light saber appeared next her neck, making her break out into a cold sweat. He wouldn't hurt her seriously, would he? Had he truly turned to the dark side? "If you could go back and change time of you meeting me and falling in love with me, would you?" Kylo questioned, his light saber shaking close to her neck. Maddie swallowed before answering.

"Yes, I would change it in a heartbeat." She whispered. Kylo's heart shattered into a million pieces. He's too late and has done too much. He's such a fool for thinking that she would love him back.

Kylo became angry and started to take it out on the room around him. He was in such an angry state that he didn't realize he hurt Madelyn until she slapped him on the check. He looked up and saw blood dripping down from her head. "Madelyn." He breathed out. Madelyn looked into his eyes, her beautiful green eyes that has haunted his dreams stared right into the soul of Kylo before she simply passed out.


Madelyn's eyes fluttered open. "Ow." She mumbled. Her eyes scanned the room, which looked oddly familiar. Leia Organa came into Madelyn's view. "General Organa." she moved her head slowly to side to side. "I'm back, how did I get back?" Her eyes swept over to Leia. "How did I get back?" She whispered.

She saw General Leia's eyes filled with tears. "He came back home." Madelyn gaped.

"He what?!" She whispered.

"Later, first how's your head feeling? " Leia questioned as nurses looked over Madelyn.

"I'm fine, my head's fine, my body is fine, I just want to know how I got here and why Kyl-Ben came home!" She cried.

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