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hey, loves! I wanted to keep y'all updated and everything, so I decided to create a little update book.

I chose something that I liked and used that as the name of the title.

Who doesn't love sweatpants?

So, first things first (I'm the realist). "Summer Camp (c.d)" will be started back up again in a week from today (Sunday, January 31st, 2016). I'm still working on all the details, but it's coming together pretty well.

Second thing, I'm starting an original book. I was inspired by this short film that I watched a year or two ago, and I remembered it while I was in the shower. I had my phone with me (in a ziplock bag. thanks Pinterest) and so I began writing. It's called "Frames" and I think you guys are REALLY going to like it.

And last but not least, INEFFABLE!!! it's my favorite story that I've written EVER and I've written a lot of stories in my life time. it doesn't have as many reads as "Summer Camp (c.d)" but I really wish it would! if you guys could go read some of it for me, it would make my day. I'm truly a Matt girl, and that is probably one of the reasons I love that book so much.

Also, I think now that cheerleading is dying down i'm going to be able to edit more. I'll have more time on my hands and I can do more updates and editing!

okay, that should be it.

I'm also going to add a little random fact about me at the end because why not?

okay, until next time

stay strong.

- D.B xx

FACT: I don't like to dress up, hence the title of this book. I normally wear sweatpants, a tee shirt, and occasionally a hoodie. I think that dressing up is just down right uncomfortable, and if I'm going to be locked away in prison for eight hours with only one meal, I better be comfy a.f

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2016 ⏰

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