The beginning

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It was a cold and stormy night I was only five years old when I seen the horrible monsters that killed my family in front of my eyes. My mother, father, two older brothers, and my older sister were killed by these horrible monsters called vampires. I was scared so I ran into the woods near my home and the monsters were chasing me I tripped over a small rock. Then I turned around and they were right there the bloody red eyes of the vampires that killed my family I screamed *AHHHHHH*. Then out of no where this teenage boy came out of the dark woods I didn't know at the time that he was a vampire too because he looked like a human boy like me but I am a girl. But when I seen him he was riding a beautiful black horse that looked just like the night sky. But then the boy jumped off his horse and walked towards the monsters with no fear in his eyes in matter of fact the monsters were actually scared of him I didn't know why. But then he pulled out his sword and walked closer to them until he was face to face with them. But the monsters didn't even move they looked like statues then all I seen was the boy killing them all by himself. But when he was done killing them he put away his sword and turned towards me with a smile on his face. Then he walked over to me and kneeled down and gazed into my eyes and for some reason he became scared of me and said that I must go with him unless I wished to die. Yet for some reason he put his hand on the side of my face before I could give him my answer. Then he put me to sleep I didn't know what would happen to me next but I didn't feel scared anymore I felt peaceful like nothing bad was ever going to happen to me ever again.

Til next time..... ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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