After Work

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Matt sighed heavily, slumping onto the couch, finally taking his hair down from its small ponytail. It had been a long day, to say the least, filled with grouchy customers and faulty car parts. He swore he would never get the smell of metal out of his nose, seeing as how the auto shop he ran had ingrained it into him. All he wanted to do was sleep, which was what he was about to do when he was nearly suffocated by a ball of fur.

"What in hell?" He grumbled, opening one eye to see a small white bear on his lap.

"Oh hell, kumajiro, you scared the shit out of me." He groaned,petting the cute bears head.

"Watchur language there." The bear said, nuzzling his hand.

"Yeah, yeah, where's the grump ass?" Matt questioned, and a slightly larger black bear came waddling into the room.

"Now, why can't you greet me as happily as he does, eh?" Matt grouched as the black bear gnawed on his shoe.

"Why can't ya come home smelling good for once." The bear snapped back, pulling Kumajiro off Matt's lap possessively, ignoring the other bears squeaks.

Matt threw his shoe at the bear, to which the bear paid no attention.

"Damn moocher." He growed before yet another giggling ball overtook him, though this time not as furry.

Matt smiled slightly as he felt warm kisses down the side of his face and neck.

"Heya, Chickadee, miss me much?" He said, rubbing Matthews back soothingly.

All he got in reply was a mumble of affirmation and a nuzzle into his neck.

"C'mon, off. I'm still all gross from work, let me shower."

"Nope." Matthew chirped happily, nibbling his ear softly, causing Matt to blush.

"Babe, seriously, lemme up." Matt grumbled, his blush spreading.

" Nu-uh, you'll have to take me with you."

Matt shrugged. "Okay, if you say so." He said, standing up and throwing Matthew over his shoulder. The smaller blonde squeaked in protest.

"I-I was only kidding!" Matthew squeaked, giggling slightly.

"Yeah, well, you should know better." Matt said smugly, smirking and carrying Matthew off to the bathroom.

Oh this was going to be one hell of a night.

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