His and Her's

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His lies:
I will never hurt you. I will never leave you. You are everything to me. I will never break your heart. I will never lay my hands on you.

His truth:
I will always hurt you. I will leave you. You mean nothing to me. I will break your heart. I will beat you.

His lies:
I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I will never hurt you. I will never lay my hands on you again, I promise. Come on, you know I love you.

Her naiveness:
He loves me. He cares about me. He will never break my heart. He will never hurt me.

Her hurt:
He doesn't love me. He hurt me. He's going to leave me. How could he hurt me. He said he would never break my heart. He said he would never hit me.

Her naiveness:
He didn't mean it. He was just upset. He would never hurt me. He loves me..... right? I mean he has to or who else will?

Love does not beat you.  Love does not insult you and put you down.  Love does not hold you down and choke you until you can barely breath. Love does not mean nothing.

Real love:
Real love cares for me. Real love helps you when your down. Real love loves you through all your imperfections. Real love makes you smile. Real love means everything!

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