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Youngjae is a high school student who loves camera so much. He always took pictures of beautiful scenery, beautiful building, clouds, car, animals, trees, things and the last thing is he loves to take pictures of his secret admire. He loves to take secretly of jung daehyun photos and without the guy knowing. He is not a stalker before but this happen by accident where he took pictures of his school field scenery at one evening where a few people playing football and just a coincidence daehyun pictures got a lot snaps in it. Youngjae cant deny the photos are all beautiful and starting that day the jung daehyun guy is his secret admire and he followed everywhere daehyun go and his camera will always full with daehyun photos and he just love it. But, the things that youngjae doesn't know is, daehyun actually know youngjaes activities and he just acting like he didn't see or realized anything.

" hyung, you are taking pictures of who? " junhong who suddenly pop up from nowhere causing youngjae get really surprised.

" yahh!! You surprise me! Can you just greet me first before asking me questions! " youngjae raising his voice to his dongsaeng.

" i did! You just didn't hear me! " junhong actually did his greet to his hyung but because his hyung just so immersed with his camera, so he didn't heard him.

" really? Why i didnt hear it? " Youngjae scratching his head which is not itchy at all.

" so hyung, you are taking pictures of who just now? " junhong ask the same question again while his eyes looking for the guys who play football at the field near to them. They are sitting at the cafe which just infront of the field, relaxing and enjoying some coffees.

" no one, just the scenery there." youngjae lied while taking a sip of his coffee.


" hey dae, i think that guy taking our pictures . " yongguk who is daehyun soccer friends suddenly stop running for the ball after realized theres someone watching them with his camera.

" no, he is not " daehyun said while stealing the ball from yongguk "

" hey, you stealer! What do you mean he is not? " Yongguk asking and try to steal the ball back.

" he is taking my pictures, not our pictures " daehyun exclaimed.

" what?! How did you know? "

" because this isn't a first time he did that " this is a thousand times " daehyun said calmly.

" what? Is he a stalker? ! " yongguk shocked hearing the fact that this is a thousand times.

" yes. My stalker. GOL!! " daehyun answered yongguk while aiming for the goal.

" arghh! You cheating!! "

" no im not"

" you cheat me using your story just now. " Yongguk who doesn't satisfied with the game exclaimed that daehyun cheat him using his nonsense story.

" hahaha probably. Alright hyung. Im going home " daehyun then leaves his hyung with his other friends.

Daehyun actually is not lying to his hyung. That guy really taking pictures of him. And bout the thousand times just now, also it is a fact. He actually realize all these things when he always feel like he was been observed by someone but he just dont know who is it Until one day, he saw this beautiful stalker face by coincidence when he was sitting with his soccer friends at the cafe and he saw this stalker through reflection of mirror infront of him. Knowing the stalker face makes him surprised because the stalker is his crush from one year ago when he accidentally bumped into him. Or just let it say it was a first sight love. But today daehyun already think deeply, hes gonna make his first move toward his crush.

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