Khole Kardashian

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"Khloe! Look here!" "Why does everyone want to see me and why are they calling me Khloe!?!?" I look down for a second, there was red carpet on the floor, and I was posed on my hand on my hip. My feet were killing me, I finally realized I was in heels, then a news reporter comes up to me "And we have Khloe Kardashian here with us tonight, Khloe who are you wearing?" I instantly freeze, I had realized what ~ Me and Khloe Kardashian had switched!
I look down at the floor I was wearing a black strapless dress, it was black and flowing in the air, I had a beautiful gold belt where my waist area was, and it was beautiful I didn't know what to do, so I ran!
"What the hell Khloe?!? What just happened?!?" Kim said as I sat down on the feathered fluffy couch. I said winded "I have no idea, I think it was the lights, and the cameras and the news reporter - ahh the news reporter! I left her there alone on camera!
"Khloe you really need to chill, we do this every year, how are you not used to this by now?" Kim asks as she sits on the feathered couch with me.

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