Dear Father..

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To the Father that left...

I say Father and not Dad because you're simply not a Dad.

Yes, you had sex and made a child. Yes, I have your DNA and your last name.

But you're not a Dad. 

A Dad is there for the times I'm up all night sick, or for the times I'm up all night crying over a worthless boy.

A Dad is usually a girls first love.
You were my first hate.

A Dad shows his little princess how a man should treat her, how protected and loved she truly is.

You did not do this.

You showed me nothing.

But you did help me realize everything I did not want in a man. You made me realize how much others protected me from you, and how much love a mother can give when she's faced to play the role of both parents.

I will admit I was broken when you first left.

I constantly wondered if it was my fault...  I still occasionally do.

I would sit by the door or window wondering when you would come home.

I would wonder if you'd be in a good mood, if we'd go and get ice cream together.
Or if you'd be in a bad mood and just yell for hours like you all so often did.

I would wonder who would be there to protect me from the hurtful boys.

Even though I mostly needed protection from you.

As I grew up our phone calls became shorter and almost nonexistent, just as well as your visits.

Each Father-Daughter dance that passed hurt a little less each time.

The dream of you walking me down the aisle disappeared as the years went by.

Although, you did damage me, I am not sad that you left.

I am not happy either.

I'm simply thankful for it.

I've learned from this and thank you for it.

For you have helped me be who I am today.

You leaving was your choice and I know it was not my fault.

You left a child who you were their world to. That was up to you.

From a young age I learned heart break.

I learned that sometimes you have to stand up and support yourself.

I learned that you have no say in who or when someone will leave your life.

No matter how much you love them.

I am stronger. I am wiser.

I will not make the same faulty mistakes my Mom made at picking a husband.

I will, one day, find someone who- loves me, cherishes me, supports me, someone who will be a Dad to our children, someone who will not allow me to go to bed at night questioning if I matter to him, and most importantly, someone who will not leave me like you did.

Someday I will find someone who is the complete opposite of you.

And when that someday comes, I will thank you.

I will thank you for showing me exactly what I did not want in my life that lead me to finding that perfect man.

I do not wish to go back and put you back in my life.

I also do not wish that you left sooner.

I'm just glad that you left.

Sincerely, the daughter you left.

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