Chapter 1

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||Chapter 1:
Natalia's POV
As I climb the 5 steps, the 20 seconds feel like a lifetime. The last time I saw him was months ago. Sure I've seen his updates on Twitter and Facebook but the last time I saw him he was normal. Not famous just Jack Gilinksy not 'OMG it's the real Jack Gilinksy. I remember the grey lounge we were lying on as the cycle of the circle loading. Apparently 'this great app was finally out and was going to change the world,' Johnson told us. I remember the confusion we all had trying to figure out how to record a 6.5 second video.

My mind whirring as I press the doorbell, the unfamiliar tune playing. I return my arm back to its position. I hear shouts and footsteps. " Put on some pants Johnson," and "Who ate my god damned Lucky Charms,"

  After standing there for a good 5 minutes I begin to walk away. The stairs become a quicker journey of shame. With my head hung low I walk down the stretch of a footpath wondering why they didn't answer the door.

  "Wait, Nat," I hear a yell from behind me.

  As I turn around I'm engulfed in a hug that could possibly make up for a 2 year absence in my life. No words are spoken as we stand in a comfortable silence.

  "God I've missed you so much," he whispers

  "So have I," I reply.

  He drags me towards the house and into the living room surprised by the amount of people squeezed onto 2 very small lounges. God please don't introduce them I'll never remember their names.

  Even though I keep updated on his social media I always forget his friend's names.

  "Everybody this is my sister, Nat," he introduced me.

  They all wave at me and surprisingly are very welcoming.

  "Nat, this is Shawn, Carter, Nash, Cam, Taylor, Matt, Hayes and Aaron," he says,"You already know JJ," JJ gives me a wave. They all start conversing with each except for a girl at the end of the lounge.

  I begin walking towards her and as I do I see a smile creep onto her face.

  "Hello, I'm Nat," I say as I put my hand out for her to shake.

  "Mahogany," she replies. Instead of shaking my hand she pulls me in for a hug."Welcome to the group sista."

  The boys keep talking relentlessly as Mahogany and I creep up the stairs, unnoticed. She tells me to call her Ny, Mahogany is too long. We walk down the hallway and she starts pointing out all the rooms. At the end of the hallway she stops.

  "This is the most important room, it's mine. I wake up at 7 do not enter till then," she tells me as I begin to giggle. She points across the hallway," and that is your room, you're  lucky I decorated it. The boys wanted to put pictures of monster trucks and wrestlers on the wall."

  I thank her as I pull her in for  another hug.

  "Let's go back downstairs the boys are probably missing their queens," she yells flipping her hair.

  "Totally," I agree with her.

Shawn's POV
As soon as Jack's sister walks into the house all I can think is HOT! Gee it's gonna be fun having her live down the hallway from me. I turn and look at the boys as they start conversing. I see Cam has the same look on his face. Looks like I have competition.

Hope you guys liked it might update tomorrow bye🦄❤️

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