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Nine year old you POV:

I'm breathing heavily as I run away from him. He's INSANE. I run to my house, and lock my doors and my windows. I jump on my bed, and start to do my homework. I hate school because of the maniac, I thought. After I finish my math homework. I hear knocking. I look up. It's him. He some how opens the door without breaking anything.

"Hi there sweetie pie." He said, taking off his shoes. I walk backwards, slowly. I hit my wall. I bend. He leans in to kiss me, but he ended up kissing my cheek. I start to sob.

"Aw, baby don't cry." He said.

"I'm not your baby." I managed to say. Like, how can he say that?! We're both nine!

"Oh, really?" He said, grabbing his pocket knife. He grabs my wrist, and gives a fresh cut. I cry even more. Ηe smirks and licks the blood off of the cut. I bawl.

He puts the knife away. He leaves. "Bye sweetie, I'll see you tomorrow!" He cries. I sit in shock, and when he left, I cry.

Years later....
I went to a different high school, had good grades and went to collage. I hit major in psychology and arts. I moved in with a girl named Art. She's pretty nice. Not too clingy. But I can't get that Yandere out of my mind. He got famous with his group, Pentatonix. Art is a Pentaholic. I'm kinda. I've told her about the boy that stalks me in elementary and middle school. I never told her his name. I want her to be her bubbly self. I was pretty fine. Until....

"Y/n! I got us tickets to a Pentatonix concert! But, even better! THEY'RE VIP!!!!!" Art screams. I drop my coffee and my jaw.

Pretty short, but, it's a prologue.

My Yandere ||mitch grassi X reader||Where stories live. Discover now