following and waiting

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When You past the 5th floor. The follower was following you as always waiter was waiting for you and growled you heard him growl and shined your flashlight at him follower was surprised you turn back and continued down the corridor follower ran down the hall where waiter is. Waiter was whining about the light shining in his eyes . Follower held onto waiter's shoulders "A-ArE yOu Ok?"follower said. Waiter wiped his eyes and wimpered "i-Im FiNe i-I nEvEr KnEw YoU cAn B-Be So KiNd..."Follower blushes and turns back and saw greeter in the other hall with a smirk face and moving his eyebrows up and down and does a thumbs up . Follower growls and catches up behind you but you turned around and flashed your light at follower . Follower growled and covered his eyes while you opened the door and walked down the door to the 4th floor.

End of chapter 1

1 2 3 slaughter me street Fanfic (Waiter X Follower)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora