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Sometimes all it takes is a spark to set the world on fire. It certainly did this time.

 I watched from my cranny behind the stage as that man stood up there in his tattered suit and misshapen robes,  spinning words out like pure silver; spinning silken strands into another enticing web of deception.

It was an effective speech, I'll give him that. Not least of which because the crowd was already on his side. Even those with doubts, could feel the spread of hopeful conviction from his words. And soon after... feverish fanaticism. 

Maybe he is right. I'd thought for the millionth time as I watched him up there, all humble platitudes and misleading rhetoric. For a second as I watched him from my isolated position, even I thought: There has to be a better way then all this. He would know better than I...

It was, in fact, rather a masterpiece. It made me second guess myself. It almost made me believe. Almost. 

But I, at least, will never forget all the terrible things he's done. For once, he's out of his depth. 

I still remember how  it happened. Up on that stage, in front of hundreds of thousands of people, his rebellious spark started the chain reaction that would set this world on fire.

And this is my story: of the man who started it all.

SparkTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon