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I walked around the halls. No one knew of my sexuality but the Seven and Calypso. Will, my golden boyfriend, was stuck at camp for the entire year. Not only will i be bored out of my mind, at night the left side of my bed is cold. If you are thinking of some dirty things you are discusting. We only share a bed because at night i get nightmares of everyone hating me and Will is the only one who stops it. Of course i love him. He loves me too and i think he likes the company.  The feeling of Will's soft lips are still fresh from five months ago.  Percy, Jason, and i were considered the populars but only cause we are cousins. Hazel trys to cheer me up and i alway hide behind the mask. Everything is much better with my ray of sunshine.
"Nico, some day you will need to tell me whats going on. You have been in a slump the past dive months. Whats on your mind?" Percy asked seriously. See when it comes to family, as we are cousins, Percy shows the side that makes you rethink the nicknames he has been given.
"Percy, lots of things are running around like Leo on skittles in my head. When i tell you im fine it means im fine." I dont think he is convinced but it works for now.
"Well its time to go so i guess i will see you at the apartment." He walks off to join Annabeth and i grab my pocket knife. Five horizontal cuts for each month i have been with out Will. Five on each arm. I take a bandage and wrap it around and decide to walk home.  Each time i think about jumping infront of a car i think of Will. By the time i reach the apartment, everyone else has eaten dinner. I walked around the city for hours.
"NICO DI ANGELO DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS? CHIRON CALLED AND SAID HE TRYED TO CALL YOU BUT YOU WERE ON THE MOVE. WHERE THE HADES WERE YOU?" Hazel screamed. Normaly Haze is sweet and mellow. Today i brought out her angery side.
"Sorry Haze. Ive been around trying to clear my head. Goodnight." I kiss her on the cheek and walk into my room. Will gave me some of his shirts for sleeping in. I grabbed a bright yellow shirt and a pair of sweat pants. I took one long look at the picture of Will and i on his birthday. I tore my eyes away and fell asleep.

Sun Angelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن