Chapter 1

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So....this fanfic is somewhat of a crossover with dragon ball z but I made my own version. Of course the original idea belongs to the creator. Hope you enjoy!!!

Somewhere Distant in Space

"Finally, I can't believe I actually found someone." a little girl, no less than seven cried, "Now I'll have family again!" she cheered.

Konoha-Day of Nine Tail Attack

"Saidaime-sama! The nine tails is going ramapage on the village!" a ninja said to an elderly man.

"I can see that! We have to protect the village!" he shouted. Just then they saw a giant toad appear in front of the fox.

"That's got to be Minato." the Sandaime said.

"We're saved!"

"Yondaime has arrived."

Now with Minato, he was barely winning against the fox.

"I'm going to teleport the fox outside the village." Minato said.

"OK, just do it fast, I'm running out of time!" the giant toad said. The fox, toad and Yondaime then disappeared from the village, much to everyone's relief, and appeared at its outskirts.

Near Outskirts of Konoha

"Man that was a horrible landing." the little brown haired girl said, as she came out of a space pod, "Hmm...whoa, what the hell is going on there! A sayian is in that direction, I need to go help." and then she started flying in that direction.

Back with Minato

Minato did everything he could. Now that there was no one there watching, he started throwing energy blasts at the fox, as he flew mid air. Unfortunately, he came to the conclusion that there was only one way to stop the fox, which was sealing it inside his new born son. Seeing at what he was going to do, Kushina tried to stop him,

"Minato, please! You know very well the burden he'll carry if he becomes a Jinchuriki. He's already half sayian, they'll know for sure somethings up when they see his tail. I love you no matter what, but these people..."

"I know, Kushina, I know. But its the only way to save the village. I can remove his tail, I did the same, but if I say that he'll be treated as a hero, then they've got to." Eventually she gave in and he began the sealing process. At the end, Kushina told him and Naruto that she loved them both, along with a long speech for Naruto to follow in his life, then she passed away. Minato was barely holding on when he heard,

"I found you, I finally found you!" Turning around, he saw a little girl with brown hair, wearing plain black pants, sneakers and a blue shirt. The girl looked no younger than seven, but the most distinctive part of her was her tail.

"You're a sayian." he smiled weakly.

"Yes, you're one too! OMG let me heal you, your in bad shape, Here take this senzu bean." she plead, but he shock his head no.

"No my soul is being taken already, it won't help....a senzu bean, its been a while since I saw one. Can you come closer, I want to cut off your tail."

"WHAT!? No way! A sayian's tail is their pride, why would I won't to cut it?"

"I want you to do a favour for me, sayian to sayian. Please look after my son. He's half sayian, from my side. If he goes back to the village with the tail, they'll see him as a monster, since he already has that damn fox inside him."

"Wait, I can cut his tail for you. You just cut mine. I'll give you a bit of my energy to stay alive for a bit. I need you tell me everything. What's your name anyways?"

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