Chapter 1: Stranger in the midst

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To think, Calabaw City is actually one of the busiest harbours in the Northern Hemisphere, but today, it mirrors a mere ghost town. An execution was taking place today, and when the news broke out among the citizens, the entire city has completely shut down for the whole day in preparation for the big event. The streets are empty, almost looking abandoned. It's so quiet. A little too quiet.

At the harbour, where the ocean waves crash against the shore, a small boat, made of some cheap wood and big enough to fit two sailors, makes its way across the calm and quiet ocean, ever so slowly. A tall and dark figure is seen steering the boat, wearing a long black cloak to hide himself. The boat makes a stop at the shore and the cloaked stranger gets out, without making so much as a sound. He makes his way through an empty and quiet street, on his way to the city center, where the execution will be taking place.

He suddenly stops in the middle if the road and takes off his cloak. He now wears a white long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolls up to his elbows and a navy blue tie around his neck with black pants and sneakers. He also seems to wear a pair of goggles with purple lenses and white frames around his neck. He has dark brown hair combed to right side. His emerald green eyes looks at the road in front of him.

He sniffs the air a few times and closes his eyes. "I hope I'm not too late...." he thinks to himself. A cloud of smoke begins to surround him, until he's completely out of sight. A few seconds later, the cloud starts to disappear. A big black wolf with icy blue eyes and the kanji sign of 'okami' on his chest, steps out of the smoke and in a few seconds the smoke has completely disappeared. "Hang in their lil' sis.... I'm on my way..." Echoes through the young canine mind before he suddenly dashes towards the city center at full speed.

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