A New Life (Chap. 25, the final chapter) (a witch love story)

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~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

I gasped and sat up. My eyes searched around frantically for Sara. The last thing I remember is the warlock saying that she was going to make me watch her kill Daren then she was going to torture me until I begged for her to kill me...

"Oh thank god," I heard someone gasp in relief beside me. I looked over to see Daren.

How did I get into his living room? When did his parents get here? What time is it? What happened? I couldn't remember how the fight ended or how I got on his couch.

He pulled me into a hug. "Don't ever scare me like that again, ever under any circumstances."

"I-I won't. What happened? How did I get here? I remember Sara saying she was going to kill us in some horrible way and that we couldn't move and I was getting so mad and then... nothing."

Daren's mother laughed. "You don't have to remember the rest dear. You are the chosen one."

Both Daren and I's heads whipped around to look at her. "What is that?" Daren asked, echoing my thoughts.

"The chosen one is a witch who the ancestors can posses, to give their power to when they need it the most. There had only been a handful of chosen ones for witches since witches first discovered their powers. The chosen ones have imaginable strength, their powers are unmatched by others, when trained that is. But the one downfall is when the ancestor's assist them, they either lose their memory of it or the details of it become muddled in their heads."

"You are very special Katheren," Daren's father continued, "You are a very powerful witch and you must be very careful, with great power comes great responsibility."

"Copy that from a cereal box dad?" Daren teased and his father smiled. "But can she learn to control if the ancients control her or not?"

"She could, but the ancients, our ancestors, are very strong, she would have to have a wide range of training to truly learn to control it," his mother explained.

I took a shaky breath. "So what did I do?" I asked, afraid that I might have killed her.

Daren's arms tightened around me. "Well I have never seen an aura quite as powerful as yours but I believe that that makes sense now, you also stopped one of the most powerful warlock attacks by just raising your hand and you also banished her to an astro plane to suffer in all the pain that she has ever gave to others. I almost had a heart attack when that lightning came at us, especially when you just stood there and treated it like it was an annoying fly."

"I am sorry," I told him. "But I had to go, I had to do what I did, she was going to hurt the ones I love, I couldn't let her do that."

"I know," Daren said, then pulled a folded up piece of paper gingerly out of his pocket, "You told me that."

I noticed that it was my letter that he was holding. Then I noticed something else, he wasn't wearing the pajamas that he was wearing when we went to bed Wednesday night or the coat he had on in the woods, he was wearing jeans and a white shirt. I felt my brow furrow in confusion. "How long was I... unconscious?"

"Well after the fight, you passed out and I carried you back here, you were out all of Thursday, and its Friday morning, so..."

"Two days?! Aunt Lyn-"

"Thinks that you are sick and that we are taking care of you since Daren wouldn't let us do anything else. Don't worry, us witches stick up for each other, you always have excuses for the mundane. And plus, it is out duty to protect you, we were told by the high priestess herself."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2009 ⏰

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