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Anthony Dinozzo, found himself running away, on an unknown beach. Earlier to his memory, he and his NCIS teammates,

went after, a 'mad ' scientist who claimed to had pierced the veil of universes. Gibbs and the others cornered him, but the scientist,

rigged an explosive charge, near his device. Dinozzo, got his friends out, but got caught in the blast, and transported here. And,

being chased by a drone sized, Black and Red, object. It was shaped like a more sinister 1953 War Of The Worlds Martian War

Machine. The main weapon, had a ' fin ' decoration, instead of the sinister ' cobra' head design. He heard a ' whirr' warning him,

of another energy bust, ready to be fired. Suddenly, his ears were filled by the sounds of prop driven aircraft, and machine gun

fire. A familiar ' screech ' filled his ears, letting him know, it was over. He looked up, and spotted the Witch who saved him.

She had a Royal Blue Military Jacket, slightly pale skin, Green eyes, short Black hair, with Greyhound ears on either side of her head.

" Luciana Mazzei, 504 JFW." " Anthony Dinozzo, NCIS."

" What are you doing here?", asked Luciana. " My team and I was trying to arrest a crazy scientist, and I got caught in a trap,

meant for my team. ", replied Tony. Then, Luciana tossed him, a paper. " This is the directions to the 504th JFW Base. See you

there.", she said, and flown off. ' Might as well, go there. No choice.', Tony thought.

504th JFW Base

" So, you rescued this civilian, ' Dinozzo ' from the other Earth?", asked Doglio. " Yes., And, given him directions here.", replied

Luciana. Then, Dinozzo walked up to the girls. ' Whoa!, I never seen so many, cute and hot girls in one place.', he thought.

" My, quite a handsome man. I am, Frederica Doglio, Commander of the 504th." ' There is a woman, who could put Sophia Lauren

to shame.', thought Dinozzo. " Anthony Dinozzo, NCIS." Then, he explained his circumstances to Doglio.

Stepping from the Infirmary Doors, Fernandia Malvezzi said, " I examined Mr. Dinozzo. He seems to have an inert Neuroi fragment

embedded in him." " Is it a threat, to the base?", asked Frederica. " Not really., I suspect, a Neuroi was part of an experiment of

some kind, and when Mr. Dinozzo's team, raided where ever they were, the booby trap embeded it, in his body.

I all ready informed him. He is taking the news, pretty hard.", replied Malvezzi. Luciana, walked in seeing a depressed

Dinozzo. " I feel like, a Xenomorph is going to burst from my body, and kill everyone.", he said. " Xenomorph? A new

Neuroi type?", she asked. " Movie reference actually. I thought it, applied.", Dinozzo replied. " Does not seem, to be the type of

' movie ' I want to see.", Luciana said. Tony smiled, and asked, " What movies do you see?" " I seen ' Wizard Of Oz '. And,

I like to see, ' Flash In The Fuso Sea.' again.", Luciana replied. " You know, Tim McGee, a colleague of mine, has seen that one,

with a Major Sakamoto.", said Dinozzo. " Would you like, to see it?", asked Luciana. Dinozzo smiled.

NCIS Universe, Team Gibbs, Crime Scene, 2016

Gibbs, Bishop, McGee, and Ursula Hartmann, was looking over the aftermath of the Mad Scientist's booby trap.

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