"Dude, it's only two inches, it's no big deal."

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Song: "Scared", Delta Rae


I panicked as we walked by the group of topaz eyed 'people', trying to hold my breath, hoping they wouldn't notice that we were different. Once we were safely inside the school land out of range, I started to speak, "I thought dad said there weren't any vampires in Forks, that's why she brought us to Forks, to keep us safe." I whispered to Omega as I paced the empty classroom.

"Well, dad also said that I was gonna be taller than you but look how that turned out

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"Well, dad also said that I was gonna be taller than you but look how that turned out." He said shaking his head, trying to lighten the situation like he would do when I would start to panic.

I welcomed the light conversation as I responded to him before sitting on the desk in front of him, "dude, it's only two inches, it's no big deal." I said as he puffed his chest out.

"It's actually 2 and a half inches, and that's a huge deal!" He said I could tell that the topic kind of bothered him, "I don't think I'm growing anymore, I mean I haven't all year. It sucks." He huffed.

"Look, Megs, you just have to calm down and remember that you're the pretty girl." I said to him before standing up and walking out of the classroom and into the semi-crowded hallway, careful to not touch anyone.

"Pretty girl?" He mumbled confused standing in the room still before catching up to me, "what does that have to do with anything?"

"To be honest with you, it sounded really good in my head and it was too late to take it back, so just go with it." I said waving him off as I tried to the school's office.


"Hey, my name's Vega Grey, and this is my little brother–"

"Omega Grey," the secretary said cutting me off with excitement. "Yes, you two are our 2nd and 3rd new student this month, a new record if I do say so myself, the first new student was the Chef of the police departments daughter, Bella, odd one that girl is." She said rambling on, I could tell that she didn't have much of a social life and this was the most interaction she'd usually get, so I let her. "Forks doesn't really get many visitors, that's a downer for such a great town." She said pausing as-if she'd zoned out before snapping back into action. "Sorry to keep you two, but here are your books, these are the notes that all your teacher needs to sign, just to verify that you found the correct class. It's due at the end of the day and I hope it's wonderful for both of you." She smiled.

"That was a lot," Mega said looking at our schedule to see where our first class was at, "biology in room 132." He mumbled as the school bell rang. "Shit, we better skedaddle."

"Do you even know where we are going?" I asked him confused as he pulled me down a hall.

"Yeah, I mean the school isn't big, so it shouldn't be a problem."


"Uh, what does the number say?" I asked my brother as I continued to look at the door numbers, hoping to find '132'.

"What number?" He said as he looked at some random girl in the hallway, I rolled my eyes at him as I continued to look.

"What do you mean 'what number'? The freaking number on the door in front of you!" I almost yelled out in frustration, "could you at least pretend to help me, or is that too hard?

"Ohh, you mean that number." He said smirking, dragging out the 'O', obviously getting a rise out of my anger, but he knows what happens when it gets out of control. I could feel my body heating up as I walked towards Omega, realization in his eyes. "Oh, my go-"

"What in the world are you two doing?" An older man said opening a classroom door in front of us, "why aren't you two in class?"

Omega started to stuttering looking for an excuse, I knew I had to step in, poking my bottom lip out I started to speak. "I'm sorry sir, it's just me and my brothers first here, it's our first day ever at a real school and we've been so overwhelmed with all of the great possibilities that this school has to offer that we forgot to ask for directions or a guide." I told him as his face softened, now the tears were starting to flow, "we are really sorry to interrupt you and you're im-important teachings, sir,"

His demeanor changed, "no, I'm sorry, just please stop crying, please! Tell me what room you are looking for and I'll point you in the right direction."

I took a deep breath before wiping my 'tears', "room 132."

"It's right down the hall and to your left, have a good day kid." He said to us, as we thanked him and watched him retreat into his room.

"Good job, sis," Mega said finally speaking up as we walked to our actual class.

"Oh, honey, that was light work," I told him before stopping on the correct door and raising my hand to knock before the door was pulled open.

"Can I help you?" An older woman said looking up at us, I could tell she meant business.


A newly edited version that somewhat resembles the older version. And it's written a lot better than the previous. And has A LOT less loopholes. YAY!




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